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Master the Art of Strategy: How to Make MTG Target Player Discards Work for You

Mtg Target Player Discards

Learn about the Magic: The Gathering card ability Target Player Discards and its strategic implications in the game. Enhance your gameplay now!

Magic: The Gathering (MTG) is a popular trading card game that has been around for over two decades. In this game, players use their decks of cards to cast spells, summon creatures, and attack their opponents. One of the most effective strategies in MTG is to target player discards.

But what exactly is player discards and how can it be used to win games? Essentially, player discards just means forcing your opponent to discard cards from their hand. This can be achieved through spells or abilities that specifically target player discards.

So why is targeting player discards such a powerful strategy? For one, it can cripple your opponent’s ability to play their own spells and creatures. If they don’t have any cards in their hand, they won’t be able to do much. Additionally, it can also force your opponent to discard powerful cards that they were relying on to win the game.

But how can you effectively use player discards in your own deck? Firstly, you’ll want to include spells and abilities that specifically target player discards. Some good examples include Hymn to Tourach and Mind Twist.

Another useful tactic is to use cards that allow you to see your opponent’s hand, such as Thoughtseize or Duress. This way, you can plan your player discard strategy more effectively and ensure that you’re forcing your opponent to discard their most valuable cards.

Not convinced that player discards is the strategy for you? Consider this - according to Magic: The Gathering Online stats, the top-performing decks all feature cards that target player discards.

Of course, it’s not enough to simply target player discards and hope for the best. You’ll also need to build a well-rounded deck that includes a mix of spells, creatures, and other abilities.

But if you’re looking for a powerful strategy that can give you an edge over your opponents, targeting player discards is definitely worth considering. Give it a try in your next game of MTG and see how it works for you!

In conclusion, player discards can be a highly effective strategy in MTG. By forcing your opponent to discard cards from their hand, you can cripple their ability to play spells and creatures and potentially force them to discard their most valuable cards. To make the most of this strategy, be sure to include cards that target player discards in your deck and also consider using cards that allow you to see your opponent’s hand. With a well-rounded deck and a solid player discard strategy, you’ll be well on your way to victory in MTG!


Magic: The Gathering is a collectible card game where players take the role of a powerful wizard battling each other with spells, creatures, and enchantments. One of the most effective strategies in the game is to force your opponent to discard cards from their hand. In this article, we will explore the concept of targeting an opponent’s hand in Magic: The Gathering.

The Benefits of Discarding Your Opponent's Hand

Discarding your opponent’s hand has numerous benefits. Firstly, it reduces the number of cards at their disposal, limiting their potential choices on their next turn. Secondly, it can eliminate any threatening spells or creatures that they may have in their hand. Lastly, it can disrupt their overall strategy, as their hand may contain key cards for their game plan.

Ways to Discard Your Opponent's Hand

There are various ways to make your opponent discard cards from their hand in Magic: The Gathering, such as using cards like Thoughtseize, Duress, and Inquisition of Kozilek. These are all examples of “hand disruption” cards that target a specific player’s hand. Players can also use effects like Liliana of the Veil’s -2 ability, which forces each player to discard a card.Another way to force your opponent to discard cards is through targetted creature abilities. Certain creatures possess abilities that force an opponent to discard cards when they are targeted. For instance, the Ravenous Rats and Hypnotic Specter are creatures that force an opponent to discard a card whenever they deal combat damage to them.

Cards That Target Multiple Players

Cards that target multiple players’ hands are also viable options for players who want to use hand disruption as a strategy. The card Hymn to Tourach targets two opponents, forcing them both to discard two cards from their hand. Other examples of multi-targeted hand disruption cards include Mind Twist and Mind Slash.

Combining Discard with Other Strategies

Discarding your opponent's hand can also be used in conjunction with other strategies to maximize its effectiveness. Cards like Liliana's Caress and Waste Not trigger off of your opponent discarding cards, causing additional damage or generating additional resources for the player. Combined with discard spells, these cards can lead to quick victories and significant advantages.In addition, some decks use discard as part of a control strategy, using spells to disrupt the opponent’s game plan and slow down their assault. Combining discard with countermagic cards, removal spells, and enchantments that prevent opponents from playing certain types of cards can create a highly effective control deck.

Dealing with Discard Effects

Players who face decks that heavily focus on discard effects may find themselves struggling to maintain card advantage. To deal with these types of decks, it is important to diversify the types of cards in your hand and deck, along with having cards that allow you to draw or search for new cards. Cards that allow you to return cards from your graveyard to your hand, such as Past in Flames and Snapcaster Mage, are also useful in combating discard strategies.


Discarding your opponent’s hand can be a powerful strategy to disrupt their game plan, eliminate threats and gain advantages. It can be used in conjunction with other strategies and can lead to quick victories. Understanding how to use and deal with discard effects is essential for any Magic: The Gathering player looking to become a successful strategist.

Mastering MTG: Target Player Discards


For Magic: The Gathering (MTG) players, being able to force your opponent to discard cards is a powerful tool in your arsenal. Target player discard effects are spells or abilities that force your opponent to discard cards from their hand, slowing down their game plan and potentially decreasing their options.

Understanding Target Player Discard Effects

Target player discard refers to spells or abilities that specifically target an opponent's hand, and mandate that the player discard one or more cards. Such spells or abilities often come with additional restrictions or costs which includes mana cost, creature sacrifices, life loss, or the requirement of certain card types.

Benefits of Target Player Discards

Discard effects are essential to stall your opponent’s game, deprive them of any particular card they might need, and run them out of cards. Target player discard effects often end up hurting your opponent’s game plan by depriving them of resources like card advantage, removal spells, or threats. This will give you ample time to solidify your own board position or create card advantage.

When to Use Target Player Discards?

It's important to note that timing is crucial when it comes to target player discards. It's best used when your opponent still has plenty of cards in their hand so you can take away their best cards and force them to stumble on their next turn. Using discard too early in the game may give your opponent time to draw more cards or find a new strategy, while too late can allow your opponent to use up their strong cards leading to the discard feeling less valuable.

Strategies for Winning with Target Player Discards

A successfull discard strategy starts with a deck that targets players with the most efficient discard spells coupled with the ability to rapidly close the game. A focused deck can leverage a suite of strong discard spells including Hymn to Tourach, Inquisition of Kozilek, Thoughtseize, Duress, Wrench Mind, among others in combination with win conditions like hard-hitting creatures, spells that bypass counterspells or heavy removal, and repeatable damage.

Synergies to Combine with Discard

Many cards combinations can be used effectively with discard strategies. These include Liliana's Caress that deals two damage per discards, Megrim which functions similarly but as an enchantment, and Necrogen Mists' constant hand depletion ability. Adding hand disruption synergy like Raven's Crime, Collective Brutality, and Blackmail can further enhance your game plan.

How to Counter Target Player Discard?

Target player discard is powerful, but there are ways to mitigate it. One method is to maintain a decent-sized hand so a single discard spell has less impact. Another method is to include cards with flashback, like Lingering Souls or Snapcaster Mage, allowing you to keep the effect but also providing additional value for late-game situations. Cards with the madness ability, like Fiery Temper, can allow you to cast cards from your hand a discounted cost when discarded.


Target player discard is a powerful tool that can turn the tide in MTG. Choosing the right timing combined with a solid understanding of the different types of discard effects and potential synergies can be very effective. Whether you’re taking advantage of the card disadvantage that target player discard imposes on your opponent, or mitigating its impact on yourself, understanding how to use and counter target player discard will go a long way to improving your game.

Comparison of Target Player Discard Effects in Magic: The Gathering


In Magic: The Gathering, one popular strategy is to make your opponent discard cards from their hand. This can be accomplished through various means, including spells, creatures, and enchantments. But with so many options available, how do you decide which cards to include in your deck? In this article, we will compare some of the most commonly used target player discard effects and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.

Hand Disruption

The most straightforward way to make an opponent discard is through spells that specifically target a player's hand. These cards typically have a low mana cost and require the opponent to discard one or more cards at random. Some examples include Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, and Duress. On the plus side, these types of spells allow you to choose exactly which card to target, which can be especially devastating if you hit a key card that your opponent needs to execute their game plan. However, they also have some drawbacks. For one, they only work if the opponent has a hand, so if they have no cards in hand, they are useless. Additionally, since the discarded cards are chosen at random, there is always a chance that you will hit a useless card instead of something valuable.

Creature-Based Discard

Another way to make your opponent discard is through creature abilities. These creatures typically have an additional effect that allows them to make the opponent discard a card when they enter the battlefield or attack. Examples include Ravenous Rats, Hypnotic Specter, and Blightning.Creature-based discard effects have some advantages over spells. For one, they provide a body that can be used for attacking or blocking, so they have some utility beyond just discarding cards. Additionally, they can be more difficult to remove than spells, which are often countered or removed with instant-speed removal. However, they are also more vulnerable to removal spells and can be blocked by creatures, making them less reliable.

Enchantment-based Discard

Enchantments that cause the opponent to discard a card at certain times provide a bit of versatility to this strategy. For example, Liliana's Caress makes the opponent discard a card whenever they take damage, while Waste Not allows you to draw cards or make mana whenever the opponent discards.The advantage of Enchantment-based Discard is that they provide a continuous effect that can impact the game long-term, unlike spells that are only one-time effects. This makes them more flexible and harder to deal with than creatures. The downside is that they are more susceptible to artifact and enchantment removal and may not be as impactful on their own without additional cards to support them.

Comparison Table

Discard Effect Type Pros Cons
Hand Disruption Target specific cards, low mana cost Useless if opponent has no hand, random card selection
Creature-Based Discard Can attack/block, more difficult to remove than spells More vulnerable to removal spells, can be blocked by creatures
Enchantment-based Discard Continuous effect, harder to deal with than creatures More susceptible to artifact/enchantment removal, may not be impactful on its own


In my opinion, the best way to incorporate target player discard effects into your deck is to use a combination of hand disruption spells and creature-based discard. This allows you to choose exactly which card to target while also having a reliable body that can be used for attacking or blocking. Enchantment-based discard can also be useful if you have additional cards to support it, but I wouldn't rely on it as the only source of discard in my deck.Ultimately, the type of target player discard effect you choose will depend on your play style and the specific needs of your deck. Consider each option carefully and experiment with different combinations until you find the ones that work best for you.

Discard Strategy: Targeting the Right Player in MTG

Magic: The Gathering is a game of strategy, where players aim to reduce their opponents' life totals to zero. One effective way to achieve this goal is by forcing players to discard cards from their hands, leaving them with fewer resources to use against you. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of targeting the right player when implementing a discard strategy.

When considering which player to target with your discard spells, it is crucial to know your opponents' decks. For example, if you are playing against a deck that relies heavily on creature cards, it may be more beneficial to force that player to discard so they cannot summon powerful creatures onto the battlefield. On the other hand, if your opponent has primarily instant or sorcery spells in their deck, you may want to target a different player to deny them the ability to counter your spells.

Another factor to consider when choosing a target for discard spells is the number of cards in each player's hand. If one player has six cards in their hand while the others only have two or three, it may be strategically beneficial to force the player with six cards to discard, thus leveling the playing field and reducing the number of threats that you face each turn.

In addition to analyzing your opponents' decks and hand sizes, it is also essential to consider the board state when deciding who to target with discard spells. If one player has a more significant presence on the board with more creatures or artifacts, it may be more beneficial to force that player to discard, preventing them from using those resources to deal damage or generate card advantage.

Another aspect to take into account when selecting a target for discard spells is the color of the opponent's deck. Each color in Magic: The Gathering has its strengths and weaknesses, and certain decks may be more vulnerable to discard spells based on their color composition. For example, black decks tend to have a lot of powerful spells that require sacrificing creatures or paying life as a cost. By targeting a black deck with discard spells, you can potentially force them to lose those powerful cards.

When implementing a discard strategy, it is essential to be mindful of the timing of your spells. Discard spells are typically instant cards that can be played at any time, but choosing the right moment to use them can make all the difference. For example, if you have several discard spells in your hand, you may want to hold onto them until your opponent has few or no cards left in their hand, making it more likely that they will lose a critical card.

It is also worth considering the potential consequences of discarding certain cards. Some cards may have abilities that trigger when they are discarded, and you may not want to give your opponent the opportunity to take advantage of those abilities. Conversely, other cards may be less important to your opponent, making them a good target for discard spells even if they don't necessarily hurt your opponent's game plan.

However, it is crucial not to become too focused on implementing a discard strategy to the point where it impedes your overall game plan. While forcing your opponents to discard can be an effective way to gain an advantage, it should not come at the expense of playing your own cards and advancing your own strategy. Discard spells should be used selectively and strategically, in conjunction with other cards and abilities that support your game plan.

When deciding who to target with discard spells, it is important to remember that your opponents' responses are not entirely predictable. They may have spells or abilities that allow them to draw additional cards or recover lost cards, so it is essential to be flexible and adaptable in your strategy. Make sure to keep an eye on your opponents' cards and avoid falling into predictable patterns that may become easy for them to counter.

In conclusion, implementing a discard strategy in Magic: The Gathering can be an effective way to gain an advantage over your opponents. By targeting the right player at the right time, you can reduce their resources and limit their ability to counter your spells or deal damage. However, it is essential to use discard spells selectively and strategically, taking into account your opponents' decks, hand sizes, board state, and card color. Keep these factors in mind, and you'll be well on your way to crafting a successful discard strategy and securing victory in your games.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. We hope you found it informative and helpful as you navigate the world of Magic: The Gathering.

People Also Ask About MTG Target Player Discards

What is MTG Target Player Discards?

MTG stands for Magic: The Gathering, which is a collectible card game. Target player discards is a mechanism in the game where one player forces another player to discard cards from their hand.

What are some MTG cards that allow you to force opponent discards?

Here are some MTG cards that allow you to force your opponent to discard:

  • Thoughtseize
  • Inquisition of Kozilek
  • Duress
  • Hymn to Tourach
  • Mind Twist

What is the importance of target player discards in MTG?

Target player discard is an important mechanism in MTG because it can disrupt your opponent's strategy and limit their options. By forcing them to discard key cards, you can gain an advantage in the game.

How do you defend against target player discards in MTG?

There are several ways to defend against target player discards in MTG:

  1. Add more card draw spells to your deck so you have more options available.
  2. Include cards with abilities that trigger when they are discarded.
  3. Create a graveyard strategy so that discarding can work to your advantage.
  4. Include cards that allow you to play cards from your graveyard so that discarded cards can still be used.

People Also Ask About MTG Target Player Discards

1. How does discarding cards work in Magic: The Gathering?

Discarding cards in Magic: The Gathering refers to the act of moving cards from a player's hand to their graveyard. This is a common mechanic used in the game to force players to make strategic choices, as discarded cards are usually no longer accessible for gameplay unless specifically stated otherwise.

2. Can you target another player to discard cards?

Yes, there are cards in Magic: The Gathering that allow you to target another player and force them to discard cards from their hand. These cards typically fall under the category of discard spells or abilities. By targeting another player, you can disrupt their strategy, deny them resources, or disrupt their hand advantage.

3. What are the benefits of making a player discard cards?

Making a player discard cards can provide several strategic advantages in Magic: The Gathering. It can disrupt your opponent's plans by removing key cards from their hand, preventing them from playing them. This can weaken their overall board presence or limit their options for future turns. Additionally, discarding cards can also synergize with certain card abilities or strategies that benefit from or interact with cards being moved to the graveyard.

4. Are there any limitations or restrictions when targeting a player to discard cards?

While targeting a player to discard cards can be powerful, there are a few limitations and restrictions to keep in mind. Firstly, some cards may specify a maximum number of cards that can be discarded, so you cannot force an opponent to discard their entire hand with a single effect. Additionally, certain cards or abilities may require specific conditions to be met before they can be used to target a player for discarding, such as having a certain number of cards in your hand or paying a cost.

5. How can players protect themselves from being forced to discard cards?

Players can employ various strategies and card choices to protect themselves from being forced to discard cards in Magic: The Gathering. For example, including cards that allow you to draw additional cards can help replenish your hand if cards are discarded. Cards with abilities that grant hexproof or shroud can make it more difficult for opponents to target you for discarding. Additionally, countering or removing the cards or abilities that would otherwise force you to discard can also be effective.

Overall, understanding how targeting players for discarding works in Magic: The Gathering can add depth to your gameplay strategy. It allows for disruption and control over your opponent's hand and can potentially swing the game in your favor.