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Exploring the Classic Charm of Kodak Brownie Target Six 16: A Vintage Gem in Photography History

Kodak Brownie Target Six 16

The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is a vintage camera that captures stunning photos with its classic design and easy-to-use features.

Have you ever heard of the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16? No? Well, let me tell you a little bit about this iconic camera that took the photography world by storm in the 1940s.

First introduced in 1946, the Brownie Target Six 16 was an instant hit among amateur photographers. It was small, lightweight, and easy to use. But what really made it stand out was its affordable price; at just $9.50, it was accessible to almost everyone.

But don't let its low price fool you - the Brownie Target Six 16 produced high-quality images that rivalled even more expensive cameras. Its lens was sharp and clear, and it was capable of capturing stunning black-and-white photos.

In fact, the Brownie Target Six 16 was so popular that over one million units were sold within its first two years on the market. It became synonymous with easy, accessible photography for the masses.

But what really set the Brownie Target Six 16 apart was its unique design. Unlike other cameras of the time, the Brownie Target Six 16 had a vertical format that allowed for taller images. This was especially useful for portrait photography.

Another advantage of the Brownie Target Six 16 was its versatility. It could be used with either 616 or 116 film, which gave photographers a wider range of options when it came to image size and resolution.

Even today, the Brownie Target Six 16 remains a beloved vintage camera among photography enthusiasts. Its distinctive design and historical significance make it a sought-after collector's item.

But if you're not a collector, don't worry - you can still enjoy the magic of the Brownie Target Six 16 by getting your hands on one and trying it out for yourself. Imagine capturing stunning, timeless images like the ones taken by photographers in the 1940s.

So why not give it a try? The Brownie Target Six 16 may be over 70 years old, but it's still capable of producing beautiful photographs that will take your breath away.

In conclusion, the Brownie Target Six 16 was a game-changer in the photography world when it was first introduced in 1946. Its affordable price, high-quality lenses, and unique design made it a popular choice among amateur photographers. Even today, it remains a beloved vintage camera that is revered for its historical significance and unique capabilities. So why not try it out for yourself and see what all the fuss is about?

About Kodak Brownie Target Six 16

Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 was a popular camera that was introduced by Eastman Kodak in 1946 and replaced the earlier version of the Brownie Target Six 20. The Brownie Target series were one of the most successful and popular film cameras ever made, as they revolutionized photography for the masses.

The Features of Kodak Brownie Target Six 16

The design of the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 was simple and elegant, with a black leatherette exterior that gave it a classic feel. It measured 5 5/8 by 3 1/4 by 3 3/4 and was compatible with 616 film roll. The camera had a fixed focus lens with a 3 feet range, setting for both sun and shade exposure, and two aperture settings of f/11.5 and f/16.5.

It is important to note that 616 film rolls are no longer available today, however, 116 format film can be used in these cameras after modifying the original spools. There are also specific adapters that allow the use of standard 120 film on a Brownie Target Six 16.

Unique Characteristics

What made the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 unique was its integrated viewfinder, which allowed the photographer to correctly frame the shot without taking their eyes off the subject. This feature was particularly helpful when taking pictures of people, as it allowed for more natural and candid shots.

Another notable feature of the Brownie Target Six 16 was its shutter release button, which was located on top of the camera instead of the conventional location on the front of the camera. This button placement allowed for easy and comfortable handling of the camera.

The Advantages of Kodak Brownie Target Six 16

The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 had many advantages, one of which was its price, as it was affordable for most families. It was also easy to use, as a child as young as six years old could handle it with ease. The simplicity of the camera made it ideal for beginners who wanted to start photography but didn't know where to begin.

Additionally, the camera was lightweight and portable, making it easy to carry around on trips or outings. Its small size also added to its convenience, as it could be stored easily in a small space.

The Legacy of Kodak Brownie Target Six 16

The Brownie Target Six 16 represented a major milestone in photography history, as it was a revolutionary camera that made photography more accessible to everyone. Its success paved the way for later models of the Brownie series and other cameras that followed, leading to a boom in consumer-based photography.

Today the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is considered a collector's item, and many are still functional and greatly valued by photography enthusiasts. It remains a significant cultural artifact and is remembered fondly as a camera that helped democratize photography.

In Conclusion

The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is a true gem in the history of photography, and an excellent example of how technology can change people's lives in profound ways. Its innovative design, ease of use, and affordability made it accessible to millions of families around the globe. Today, it stands as a reminder of the golden age of film photography and remains a testament to the craftsmanship of Kodak who created one of the most iconic cameras ever made.

Tips and Tricks for Using the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16


The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is a classic camera that was popular in the mid-20th century. It was introduced by Kodak in 1946 and was used by many amateur photographers due to its affordability and simplicity of use. The camera has a unique design and takes images in a 6x16 cm format, which gives it a distinctive look and feel.

1. Get to Know Your Camera

Before you start using your Brownie Target Six 16, take some time to familiarize yourself with the camera’s features. Read the manual, examine the controls, and practice loading the film. This will help you feel confident and comfortable when you’re out taking pictures.

2. Use a Tripod or Steady Surface

The Brownie Target Six 16 does not have a built-in shutter release, which means that you’ll need to hold the camera steady while taking a picture. To get clear, sharp images, use a tripod or place the camera on a steady surface. This will help you avoid blurry images and ensure that your photos are focused.

3. Choose the Right Film

The Brownie Target Six 16 uses 616 film, which is no longer manufactured. However, you can still find vintage film online or use adapters to convert 120 film to fit the camera. It’s important to choose the right type of film for the conditions you’re shooting in. For example, use black and white film for a classic look or color film for vibrant images.

4. Experiment with Exposure

The Brownie Target Six 16 has a fixed aperture of f/16 and a single shutter speed of 1/50th of a second. However, you can experiment with exposure by changing the film speed or using filters. For example, using a slower film speed will give you more detail in low-light conditions, while using a faster film speed will allow you to capture motion.

5. Frame Your Shots Carefully

The Brownie Target Six 16 takes panoramic images, which means that your shots will be wider than most traditional photos. Pay attention to the composition of your shot and frame your subject carefully. Use leading lines, symmetry, and balance to create visually interesting images.

6. Wait for the Right Light

The Brownie Target Six 16 is a simple camera that does not have a lot of advanced features. One of the best ways to get great images is to wait for the right light. Shoot during the golden hours – just after sunrise and just before sunset – for warm, glowing light that will make your images come alive.

7. Keep Your Camera Clean

As a vintage camera, the Brownie Target Six 16 requires a bit of maintenance to keep it working properly. Keep the lenses clean, remove dust and debris, and store the camera in a cool, dry place. This will help prevent damage and ensure that your camera remains in good condition for years to come.

8. Embrace Imperfection

The Brownie Target Six 16 is not a professional-grade camera, but that’s part of its charm. Embrace the imperfections and embrace the quirks of this classic camera. Don't expect perfect focus or exposure, but instead enjoy the unique look and feel of the images it produces.


The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is a classic camera that allows you to capture panoramic images with a unique vintage feel. By understanding its features, choosing the right film, and taking care of your camera, you'll be able to create beautiful images and enjoy the experience of shooting with a classic camera. So grab your Brownie Target Six 16 and start exploring!

Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 - A Classic Camera Comparison


Film photography is enjoying a resurgence in popularity these days, and it's hard to resist the charm of classic cameras. One of the most iconic of all time is the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16. Let's take a closer look at this classic camera and see how it compares to modern cameras.


The Brownie Target Six 16 was introduced by Kodak in 1946. It was a mid-range model in the Brownie line, offering superior quality and features compared to the entry-level cameras. The camera was known for its simple yet elegant design and durable construction. The Brownie Target Six 16 remained in production until 1952.


One of the most distinctive features of the Brownie Target Six 16 is its folding design. The camera folds up into a compact package when not in use, which makes it great for travel. The body is made of metal and covered with leatherette. On the front of the camera, there is a collapsible lens that retracts when the camera is closed. The viewfinder on top of the camera is large and easy to use.


Despite its vintage design, the Brownie Target Six 16 was a surprisingly capable camera. It featured a fixed-focus lens with an aperture of f/11 and a shutter speed of 1/40th of a second. This may not sound like much today, but it was more than adequate for general photography during its time. The camera also included a built-in yellow filter to help correct for color casts under different lighting conditions.

Ease of Use

The Brownie Target Six 16 is incredibly easy to use, even for beginners. There are no complicated menus or settings to worry about. Simply point and shoot, and the camera does the rest. The viewfinder is large and bright, making it easy to compose your shots.

Image Quality

Given its age, it's not surprising that the Brownie Target Six 16 doesn't produce images that are up to the standards of modern cameras. That being said, the camera is still capable of producing surprisingly good results in the right hands. The fixed-focus lens is sharp, and the yellow filter helps to correct for color casts. However, the camera is limited by its slow shutter speed, which can result in blurry images if you're not careful.

Comparisons with Modern Cameras

Size and Weight

Compared to modern cameras, the Brownie Target Six 16 is quite compact and lightweight. This makes it great for travel, as it doesn't take up much space in your bag.

Image Quality

Modern digital cameras have come a long way in terms of image quality. With features like autofocus, high ISO settings, and image stabilization, it's now possible to take sharp, clear photos even in low light. In comparison, the Brownie Target Six 16 is limited by its fixed-focus lens and slow shutter speed.

Ease of Use

Modern cameras can be quite complex, with a multitude of features and settings to worry about. While this can be overwhelming for beginners, it also allows for greater control and flexibility when taking photos. In contrast, the Brownie Target Six 16 is incredibly simple to use, but lacks the versatility of modern cameras.


Another factor to consider when comparing the Brownie Target Six 16 to modern cameras is cost. While vintage cameras can be quite affordable, they may require regular maintenance and repairs. In addition, film and processing costs can add up quickly. On the other hand, modern digital cameras require a larger upfront investment but can be more cost-effective in the long run.


While the Brownie Target Six 16 may not be as advanced as modern cameras, it is still an iconic piece of photographic history. Its simple design and ease of use make it a great option for beginners or those looking for a vintage camera. However, if you're looking for the best possible image quality and versatility, you'll probably want to stick with a modern digital camera.

The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16

Welcome to our article on the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16. This camera is a classic piece of vintage photography equipment that was first introduced over 80 years ago. Despite its age, it remains a beloved and popular option among photographers today.

The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is a box camera that was produced by Kodak from 1946 to 1951. It was designed to use 616 roll film, which Kodak stopped producing in the 1980s. However, the good news is that you can still find 616 film available through specialty retailers and online stores like Etsy.

One of the unique features of this camera is its collapsible exterior design. When the camera is not in use, it can be collapsed down to a more compact size, making it easy to transport and store. This feature also helps to protect the lens and other internal components when the camera is not being used.

The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 has a fixed focus lens, which means that it cannot be adjusted for different distances. However, this limitation does not detract from the quality of the images produced by the camera. The lens is known for producing sharp, clear images with good contrast and color accuracy.

Another notable feature of the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is its shutter speed. The camera has only two shutter speed options, B (for bulb) and I (for instantaneous). This may seem like a limitation, but it is actually one of the benefits of using a simple box camera like this one. The limited settings allow you to focus on framing your shots and capturing the moment rather than fussing with a lot of technical settings.

The camera also has a built-in viewfinder, which makes it easy to compose your shots. However, the viewfinder is not particularly accurate, so you may find that the images you capture are slightly different than what you envisioned when you were framing your shot. This can be seen as a disadvantage or an opportunity for creative experimentation.

In terms of film handling, the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is fairly easy to use. Loading and unloading the film is simple and straightforward, although you will need to use a slightly different technique than you would with modern cameras since the film is not held in a cartridge.

One of the potential downsides of using the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is its lack of versatility. Since this is a fixed focus camera with limited shutter speed options, it may not be the best choice for all types of photography. However, if you are willing to work within the limitations of the camera, it can produce stunning images.

If you are interested in purchasing a Kodak Brownie Target Six 16, you may be able to find one on online marketplaces like eBay or Etsy. However, make sure to do your research and buy from a reputable seller.

Overall, the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is a classic piece of vintage camera equipment that still holds up today. If you are looking for a camera that is simple to use, produces high-quality images, and has a unique vintage look and feel, this could be the perfect option for you.

Thank you for reading our article on the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16. We hope that it has been informative and helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!

People Also Ask about Kodak Brownie Target Six 16

What is Kodak Brownie Target Six 16?

Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is a medium-format camera produced by Kodak between 1946 to 1952. The camera uses 616 film, which produces 2.5 x 4.25-inch negatives that can be enlarged up to 6.5 x 4.25 inches.

What are the features of Kodak Brownie Target Six 16?

The features of Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 include:

  1. Folding Bellows design
  2. Two viewfinders
  3. Meniscus lens
  4. Bulb and Instant shutter speed
  5. Tripod socket
  6. Built-in flash

How do I load film into Kodak Brownie Target Six 16?

To load film into Kodak Brownie Target Six 16:

  1. Slide the catch at the bottom of the camera to open the back cover.
  2. Insert the empty spool on the left-hand side of the camera.
  3. Thread the new roll of 616 film onto the right-hand spool.
  4. Tighten the film by rotating the right-hand spool clockwise until the film is taut.
  5. Close the back cover and wind the film to the first frame.

What if the shutter isn't working on Kodak Brownie Target Six 16?

If the shutter isn't working on Kodak Brownie Target Six 16, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Ensure the camera is fully wound.
  2. If using bulb mode, check that the flash works correctly.
  3. Try cleaning the contacts and the mechanical parts with a soft brush and a blower.
  4. If the problem persists, consider seeking professional repair.

People Also Ask about Kodak Brownie Target Six 16

1. How does the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 camera work?

The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is a vintage camera that uses roll film to capture images. To operate the camera, you need to load a roll of film into the film compartment and set the film counter. The viewfinder helps you frame your shot, and the shutter release button allows you to take a picture. After capturing all the desired photos, you need to rewind the film back into the cartridge to protect it from exposure.

2. What type of film does the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 use?

The Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 uses 616 roll film, which is no longer produced. However, with some modifications, you can use 120 film in this camera. The 120 film needs to be respooled onto a 616 spool or a reusable adapter to fit into the camera correctly. It's important to note that using 120 film may require adjustments to achieve proper focus and framing due to the difference in image size between the two film types.

3. Can I still get my photos developed from a Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 camera?

Yes, you can still have your photos developed from a Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 camera. Many professional photo labs offer film developing services for various film formats, including 616 film. Additionally, there are online services where you can send your film rolls for processing and receive digital scans or physical prints of your photos.

4. Is the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 considered a collectible camera?

Yes, the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 is considered a collectible camera. It was manufactured by Kodak from 1946 to 1952 and has a charming vintage design. Collectors often seek out this camera for its historical significance and nostalgic appeal. The value of the camera can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and any accompanying accessories or original packaging.

5. Are there any special techniques or tips for using the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16?

When using the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16, it's important to keep in mind that it is a fully manual camera with limited settings. Here are some tips to help you get the best results:

  • Use a tripod or stabilize the camera against a solid surface for sharper images, as the camera doesn't have built-in image stabilization.
  • Take advantage of natural light or use a flash attachment to ensure proper exposure, as the camera doesn't have adjustable ISO settings.
  • Experiment with different compositions and distances, as the camera has a fixed focal length.
  • Consider using black and white film for a more vintage aesthetic.

Exploring the capabilities and limitations of the Kodak Brownie Target Six 16 can lead to unique and artistic photographs, embracing the charm of this classic camera.