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Protect Your Evidence with the Best Evidence Drying Cabinet: Efficient and Safe Drying Solutions

Evidence Drying Cabinet

Looking for an efficient solution to dry and store evidence? Our Evidence Drying Cabinet ensures proper preservation and quick drying of crucial evidence.

Have you ever wondered how crime scene investigators manage to preserve and dry evidence to be used in court? Have you thought about the importance of proper preservation and documentation of evidence? Look no further than the evidence drying cabinet.

Firstly, what is an evidence drying cabinet? It is a specialized piece of equipment designed to dry out wet or damp evidence quickly and safely using controlled heat and airflow. This ensures the preservation of evidence, preventing any contamination that may occur from air-drying or other methods.

In the past, evidence was often air-dried at room temperature, which could take days or even weeks, and would result in damaged and contaminated evidence. The use of an evidence drying cabinet provides a quicker and more efficient alternative, allowing for the timely analysis and use of evidence.

A major advantage of these cabinets is their ability to selectively dry evidence, preventing the over-drying and damage to delicate items such as bloodstains or fibers. The control of temperature and humidity levels in the cabinet also prevent the growth of mold or bacteria that could contaminate or destroy evidence.

Statistics show that improper handling and storage of evidence can lead to its exclusion from court proceedings, damaging not only a case but also the reputation of the justice system. The use of an evidence drying cabinet ensures that all evidence collected at a crime scene is properly preserved and documented, increasing the chances of a successful prosecution.

Officers working on cases involving drug or alcohol-related offenses can also benefit from the use of an evidence drying cabinet. These cabinets can quickly dry out substances such as blood or urine samples, ensuring their integrity and accuracy for testing and analysis.

Transitioning from traditional evidence-handling methods to using an evidence drying cabinet can enhance the overall efficiency of a crime lab. With the controlled settings and faster processing time of evidence, forensic teams can analyze evidence faster and deliver results sooner.

Furthermore, the use of these cabinets promotes accountability in the handling of evidence - maintaining a complete chain of custody and ensuring that evidence is not only preserved, but also accessible to all parties involved in the case.

Ultimately, the use of an evidence drying cabinet has become a standard practice in evidence collection and preservation, contributing to the accuracy and credibility of the justice system. Don't let improper handling of evidence ruin your case, invest in an evidence drying cabinet today.

In summary, an evidence drying cabinet ensures the timely and accurate preservation of evidence, increasing the chances of a successful prosecution or defense. By transitioning from traditional methods of evidence handling to using a specialized piece of equipment, forensic teams can increase their efficiency and accountability. Don't let improperly handled evidence be the downfall of your case- consider purchasing an evidence drying cabinet and preserve justice one piece of evidence at a time.


When a crime is committed, the first priority of investigators is to gather and preserve evidence related to the incident. The preservation process is crucial in ensuring that the evidence retains its integrity and can be admissible in court. That's where evidence drying cabinets come in handy. The appliance plays a significant role in helping investigators dry out the wet items, decreasing the risk of contamination while preserving the evidence's integrity. In this article, we're going to discuss everything you need to know about evidence drying cabinets.

What is an Evidence Drying Cabinet?

An evidence drying cabinet is a secure and enclosed chamber designed to dry out wet evidence-finding and storing in a proper manner. The cabinet has several drying racks mounted vertically that enable investigators to hang items such as clothing, bedding, and paper evidence, among others. The chamber is sealed tight to ensure that the environment inside is dustproof and free from any external contamination. The cabinets typically have adjustable temperature controls and air-speeds that allow investigators to customize them depending on the type of evidence and the conditions present.

The Importance of an Evidence Drying Cabinet

The critical role of evidence drying cabinets is twofold. Firstly, it speeds up the drying process, which helps preserve the evidence's integrity. Secondly, it reduces the physical contact exposure investigators have with the evidence. The cabinet's sealed design minimizes contamination that could affect the investigation positively or negatively.

Why is it important to preserve evidence integrity?

Preserving an evidence's characteristics has two significant advantages. One, it ensures the evidence stays intact, preventing it from deteriorating or losing quality. Two, maintaining the evidence's attributes guarantees fair investigations because the truth and accuracy are preserved. Maintaining integrity checks the evidence's continuity, keeping it uncontaminated, properly identified, and correctly traced during investigation and custody to trial. Any evidence that risks its integrity could lead to unreliable convictions or acquittal.

How Evidence Drying Cabinets Work

Most models of evidence drying cabinets have adjustable temperature settings to accommodate different types of evidence. The cabinet's interior design features several vertical hanging racks painted in anti-rust, non-corrosible materials. These racks can be pulled out for easy access and the ability to store larger sheets flat on a shelf or rack. The racks have open-minded airflow around the evidence to dry from all sides. Cabinet doors seal tightly to keep in heat and airflow, which results in faster drying times. The drying method is efficient yet gentle enough not to compromise the evidence's structural integrity.

The Process of Drying Evidence

The process for drying evidence requires certain temperatures and airflow speeds that are regulated and monitored to ensure the process completes effectively. Mild temperatures, generally between 20 and 70 degrees Celsius, are perfect for most forms of evidence. Higher temperatures tend to cause damage to wet items, especially when biological or organic matter is present. It's essential to keep the initial temperature low from the start of the process increasing gradually as required. Blowing hot air directly on the evidence may cause it to clump together or shrink, which would affect its structure or become damaged.

Things to Consider when Choosing an Evidence Drying Cabinet

When selecting an evidence drying cabinet, there are several factors to consider. The first is size—the cabinet should be large enough to hold all necessary evidence without the need for overcrowding. The second aspect to consider is temperature; the appliance must have adjustable temperature and airflow controls to ensure individual evidence items are dried at the right temperature and flow. Lastly, mechanisms to prevent contamination should be considered to prevent exposure from contaminants during drying time.

Costs of a Drying Cabinet

The expense varies based on the size of the cabinet and its features. Cabinet systems featuring touchscreens, adjustable temperature controls, airspeeds, and alarms typically range from 5000$ to 15,000$. Smaller cabinets feature less functionality and range between 2000$ to 6000$ or more. All prices depend on quality and innovation.


In conclusion, evidence drying cabinets are vital components in preserving evidence integrity during crime investigations. They are efficient and effective while reducing contamination risks. The cabinets function by regulating temperature and humidity, ensuring that items dry at the optimal levels. It's paramount that investigators use these tools in their workspace to guarantee safe operations and maintain solid investigation results from the evidence gathered.

Tips and Tutorial: Using an Evidence Drying Cabinet


An evidence drying cabinet is a crucial piece of equipment in any forensic laboratory. This tool helps preserve the integrity of evidence by drying it in a controlled environment, preventing contamination and ensuring that the evidence remains usable in any legal proceedings. In this article, we’ll go over some tips and tricks for using an evidence drying cabinet effectively.

General Tips:

- Make sure your evidence meets the requirements for drying. Evidence that’s too wet may need to air dry for a bit before being placed in the cabinet.- Be as gentle with your evidence as possible when placing it in the cabinet. You don’t want to damage anything or cause unnecessary contamination.- Always wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling evidence.- Familiarize yourself with the cabinet’s controls and settings before using it.

Using the Cabinet:

1. Prepare the cabinet: Before using the cabinet, make sure it’s clean and free of any debris or contaminants. Then set the temperature, fan speed and timer if necessary.2. Organize your evidence: Determine which items you need to dry and organize them carefully. Label each item clearly and note its location within the cabinet or on the drying racks.3. Place your evidence inside: Do not overcrowd the cabinet. Make sure there is ample space between each item. Use the drying racks to maximize the space.4. Use the right placement: Certain types of evidence require specific placement inside the cabinet. For example, fingerprints should be placed face up, and fabrics should be draped over the drying shelves. Careful placement will ensure quick and efficient drying.5. Monitor the progress: Check regularly to see that evidence is drying properly and not developing mold, fungi, or other forms of degradation. Remove any damaged evidence immediately.6. Remove evidence carefully: Use gloves or tweezers to gently remove evidence from the cabinet. Always be careful not to damage or contaminate the items.

Cleaning and Maintenance:

1. Clean on a daily basis: The cabinet should be cleaned thoroughly every day, especially after heavy use.2. Use proper cleaning solutions: Always use appropriate cleaning agents and solutions. Water and a mild detergent are usually sufficient.3. Check the seals: Regularly check the door seams, gaskets and filter for wear and tear, and replace them as necessary.4. Carry out regular checks: Schedule periodic calibration and maintenance checks with the manufacturer.


The evidence drying cabinet is an important tool in any forensic laboratory, and proper use and care are essential for preserving the integrity of evidence. By following these tips, you can ensure that your cabinet functions effectively and remains in good working order, providing accurate and reliable results for years to come.

Which Evidence Drying Cabinet is the Best?


The preservation of evidence is crucial in solving many criminal and civil cases. One of the most important aspects of preserving evidence is ensuring that it is dried properly. This is where evidence drying cabinets come into play. But with so many options in the market, how do you know which one is the best? In this article, we will be comparing different evidence drying cabinets based on their features, usage, and effectiveness.

The Importance of Evidence Drying Cabinets

When evidence is collected from the crime scene, it may contain moisture, blood, or other bodily fluids. If not dried properly, these fluids can lead to bacterial growth, mold, and degradation of evidence, which may ultimately result in the loss of valuable information. Evidence drying cabinets provide a controlled environment, enabling proper drying without contamination.

Types of Evidence Drying Cabinets

There are various types of evidence drying cabinets, including natural convection, forced air, and vacuum drying cabinets. Natural convection cabinets use gravity to circulate air around the evidence, while forced air cabinets use fans to regulate the airflow. Vacuum drying cabinets accelerate the drying process by lowering the pressure inside the cabinet, removing the moisture from evidence.

Comparison Table

Features Natural Convection Forced Air Vacuum Drying
Drying time Slow Fast Fastest
Noise level Low High Low
Cleaning Easy Needs maintenance Requires professional cleaning
Cost Inexpensive Moderate Expensive
Usage Small quantities of evidence Large quantities of evidence Special purposes
Effectiveness Low risk of contamination Moderate risk of contamination High risk of contamination if not used correctly

Natural Convection Drying Cabinets

Natural convection drying cabinets are the most basic type, and they operate on the principle of warm air rising. These cabinets are generally less expensive and have lower noise levels. They are great for small quantities of evidence, but they take longer to dry than other types of drying cabinets. Cleaning is easy, as there are no moving parts.

Forced Air Drying Cabinets

Forced Air Drying Cabinets use a fan to accelerate the circulation of warm air inside the cabinet. This results in faster drying times compared to natural convection cabinets. However, they are noisier and require more maintenance due to the presence of a fan. They are an excellent option for drying large quantities of evidence.

Vacuum Drying Cabinets

Vacuum Drying Cabinets are the most high-tech and expensive cabinets available in the market. They use low pressure to evaporate moisture from the surface of evidence, preventing bacterial growth. However, they require professional maintenance due to their complex internal structure. They are recommended for special purposes such as processing latent fingerprints.


When selecting an evidence drying cabinet, it is essential to consider the type that best suits your needs. Natural convection cabinets are perfect for small quantities of evidence, while forced air cabinets are suitable for large amounts of evidence. Vacuum cabinets are best suited for specialized purposes and are generally more expensive. The effectiveness of all types depends on their usage, maintenance, and proper operation. Ultimately, careful consideration of features, working principles, and intended purpose will help you choose the best evidence drying cabinet for your needs.

The Significance of Evidence Drying Cabinet in Modern Forensics

Forensic evidence plays a significant role in solving crimes and providing conclusive evidence in court. But, handling and preserving such evidence is a crucial task that requires the utmost diligence and care. That being said, an evidence drying cabinet is one such innovation that has made a significant impact in the field of forensics. The cabinet offers a controlled environment that aids in the quick and efficient drying of forensic evidence.

The significance of this contraption cannot be overstated. It acts as a safe space where wet evidence can go through a process of drying while reducing the risk of contamination or damage. In this blog, we delve into the crucial importance of using an evidence drying cabinet in the modern world of forensics.

One of the essential aspects of using an evidence drying cabinet is the preservation of sample integrity. When drying remains uncontrolled, it can lead to the growth of bacteria and fungi that affect the microbiome and physical characteristics of the evidence. An evidence drying cabinet offers a temperature-controlled and airtight environment that safeguards against environmental factors that can compromise the sample's integrity.

The thorough drying of evidence ensures that no moisture is left to hinder the progress of analysis by either allowing bacterial growth or distorting the sample's physical state. Crime scenes often involve wet evidence like clothing, soil, or bloodstains, among others. The drying cabinet ensures that each type of evidence goes through a specific program that best facilitates its drying time, temperature, and humidity.

Another benefit of the evidence drying cabinet is that it compresses the time taken to dry evidence. Labs have found that the drying time of evidence has decreased significantly since the inception of the drying cabinet. This aspect has helped in quickening and improving the analysis process and allowed investigators to evaluate evidence faster—resulting in quicker case resolutions and even a higher conviction rate.

Research has shown that the evidence drying cabinet's use can significantly improve efficiency, which saves time and money. Drying evidence in open air takes longer, and labs require more space and equipment for this process. However, with the combined functionality of temperature regulation and timely drying aids, the need for additional infrastructure has gone down. Therefore, it is safe to say that the evidence drying cabinet offers an all-in-one setup that can save both time and resources while producing accurate results.

Moreover, the evidence drying cabinet also provides safety benefits. Wet evidence like blood or sewage and other chemicals are potential health risks and require specific precautions to handle safely. These items pose health risks if not handled appropriately and can result in contamination and accidents. The drying cabinet encloses such evidence, preventing any harmful substance from escaping and ensures that lab technicians work within a safe environment.

Lab management is another critical benefit highlighted by the evidence drying cabinet. Before cabinets became an industry standard, labs had to use drying racks that left little room to manage the evidence. This method was inconvenient and unorganized, leading to mismanagement of samples and errors. Drying cabinets have been hailed as an effective way of managing inventory control. They offer a system that allows better organization and tracking of evidence.

The impact of technology in improving the field of forensics cannot be underestimated, especially considering the emergence of evidence drying cabinets. These have become indispensable in modern laboratories and police departments globally. The drying cabinet has improved the quality of evidence, sped up the analysis process, promoted safety and organization, and decreased operational costs.

There is no doubt that modern forensic science has evolved through innovation and technology. Evidence drying cabinets are just one example of how science is improving its efficiency to collect and interpret evidence better.

As we sum up our blog, it is crucial to remember that forensic evidence defines the outcome of legal cases. Its significance has led to significant steps being taken to preserve its integrity and evaluate it accurately. The use of an evidence drying cabinet is one such step that ensures timely and accurate drying of evidence—ultimately proving to be a crucial element in crime scene investigation and legal cases.

We hope this article has provided valuable insight into the importance of evidence drying cabinets in the world of forensics.

Thank you for reading!

People Also Ask About Evidence Drying Cabinet

What is an evidence drying cabinet?

An evidence drying cabinet is a device designed to dry and preserve evidence in a controlled environment. It uses temperature and humidity control to ensure that evidence is effectively dried, preventing potential contamination or degradation.

What are the features of an evidence drying cabinet?

Features of an evidence drying cabinet can vary depending on the model, but common features include:

  • Temperature and humidity control
  • Filtered air circulation
  • UV light for sterilization
  • Multiple shelves for organization and maximum efficiency
  • Lockable doors for security

When should an evidence drying cabinet be used?

An evidence drying cabinet should be used whenever wet or damp evidence needs to be dried quickly and without contamination. This can include items such as clothing, drugs, blood samples, and more.

Why is an evidence drying cabinet important in evidence preservation?

An evidence drying cabinet is important in evidence preservation because it prevents evidence from being contaminated or degraded. Damp or wet evidence can be susceptible to the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms, which can render the evidence unusable. Additionally, if evidence is not dried quickly and properly, it may lose its evidentiary value.

How does an evidence drying cabinet work?

An evidence drying cabinet works by creating a controlled environment with temperature and humidity control. Wet or damp evidence is placed inside the cabinet, where it is exposed to filtered, sterilized air circulation. The temperature and humidity level are set to the appropriate levels based on the type of evidence being dried. Over time, the cabinet dries the evidence and ensures that it is effectively preserved.

Can an evidence drying cabinet be used for non-evidentiary items?

Yes, an evidence drying cabinet can be used for non-evidentiary items such as wet clothing or other damp materials. However, it is important to ensure that any non-evidentiary items do not contaminate the cabinet and that they are thoroughly cleaned before being placed inside.

People Also Ask about Evidence Drying Cabinet

1. What is an evidence drying cabinet?

An evidence drying cabinet is a specialized piece of equipment used in forensic investigations to dry and store various types of evidence collected at crime scenes. It provides a controlled environment with proper ventilation and temperature regulation to prevent the growth of mold or degradation of evidence.

2. How does an evidence drying cabinet work?

An evidence drying cabinet works by circulating filtered air at a controlled temperature within the cabinet. This helps to accelerate the drying process of wet or damp evidence such as clothing, documents, biological samples, or other items. The cabinet's design ensures that the evidence is dried without compromising its integrity or introducing contaminants.

3. What are the benefits of using an evidence drying cabinet?

Using an evidence drying cabinet offers several benefits:

  • Prevents contamination: The controlled environment inside the cabinet prevents cross-contamination between different pieces of evidence.
  • Preserves evidence integrity: By maintaining proper ventilation and temperature, the cabinet ensures that evidence remains undisturbed and its integrity is preserved.
  • Speeds up the drying process: The cabinet's airflow system accelerates the drying process, allowing investigators to process evidence more efficiently.
  • Enhances safety: Drying cabinets often have features like UV lights or HEPA filters to reduce the risk of biological hazards or airborne contaminants.

4. What types of evidence can be dried in an evidence drying cabinet?

An evidence drying cabinet can be used to dry a wide range of evidence, including but not limited to:

  1. Clothing or fabric items
  2. Paper documents or photographs
  3. Biological samples such as blood or DNA swabs
  4. Firearms or other metallic objects
  5. Wet paint or substances for chemical analysis

5. Are evidence drying cabinets secure?

Yes, evidence drying cabinets are designed to ensure the security of stored evidence. They often come with lockable doors and tamper-proof features to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, some cabinets may have built-in alarm systems or monitoring capabilities to provide an extra layer of security.

6. Can evidence be damaged in an evidence drying cabinet?

If used correctly, an evidence drying cabinet should not damage the evidence. The controlled environment and gentle airflow help to dry the evidence without causing any harm. However, it is crucial to follow proper protocols and guidelines to ensure that evidence is handled and placed in the cabinet appropriately to avoid potential damage.