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Revamp Your Bathroom with an Unfinished Medicine Cabinet: A Stylish and Customizable Storage Solution

Unfinished Medicine Cabinet

The Unfinished Medicine Cabinet offers a range of unfinished wood cabinets, allowing you to customize the perfect storage solution for your bathroom.

Are you tired of having an unfinished medicine cabinet? If yes, then you're not alone! Many homes struggle to keep their cabinets organized and fully stocked. But fear not, because this article will provide you with some helpful tips and tricks to turn your medicine cabinet from a mess to a well-organized and useful space!

Firstly, let's start with the main problem - clutter. We all have a tendency to hoard unused and expired medication, which can contribute to the chaos in our cabinets. Did you know that using expired medication can actually be harmful to your health? Yes, you heard that right! So, take the first step by getting rid of all the expired medicines.

Next, categorize your medication. Separate your prescription drugs, vitamins, over-the-counter medicines, and first aid supplies. This will help you to easily find what you need when you need it and prevent any confusion in case of emergencies.

Now, here's a tricky question - have you ever read the label on your medicine? Chances are, most of us haven't! But reading the label is crucial for your safety. Be sure to follow the correct dosage and storage instructions for each medicine.

Speaking of storage, it's equally important to keep your medicine cabinet organized and clean. Use organizers like shelf dividers or baskets to keep items separate and easy to locate. Also, make sure to wipe down the shelves regularly to get rid of any dust or bacteria.

Did you know that children under the age of six are at the highest risk for accidental poisoning from medication? Scary, right? To avoid any mishaps, always keep your medication out of reach and in child-proof bottles.

Looking for a more eco-friendly option for disposing of expired medication? Check in with your local pharmacy to see if they have a medication disposal program. This helps in ensuring that expired medications are disposed of safely.

Now that we've covered medication storage, let's talk about first aid supplies. Keep a small but well-stocked first aid kit with essential items such as band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and pain relief medication. This will help you address minor injuries quickly without having to venture out to the pharmacy in the middle of the night.

Have you ever experienced the frustration of losing your medication in a black hole? Yeah, the back of the medicine cabinet is a daunting place. To avoid this issue, use risers or lazy susans to make everything in plain sight. No more digging through stacks of medication to find what you need.

Lastly, don't forget to check the medicine cabinet periodically. It's easy to forget about it once it's organized, but adding in an occasional check-up can make a world of difference. Take some time to go through any new medication or supplements you've added and remove anything that has expired.

There you have it - a comprehensive guide to organizing your medicine cabinet! By taking a few simple steps, you'll turn your cluttered and messy space into an organized and accessible one. Now, go ahead, take a deep breath, and give yourself a pat on the back. You've got this!

Medicine cabinets are a crucial aspect of any home’s bathroom. They provide an organized, safe place for medicine, first aid items, and other personal hygiene products. But what happens when your medicine cabinet is unfinished? A medicine cabinet without doors or shelves is not only unsightly but also poses a safety risk in a home. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss what an unfinished medicine cabinet is and how it can be resolved.

What is an Unfinished Medicine Cabinet?

An unfinished medicine cabinet is essentially a medicine cabinet without doors or shelves. It could also mean that the cabinet has been partially installed but not completed. The root cause of an incomplete medicine cabinet is typically due to lack of planning, poor installation practices, or unforeseen circumstances like budget constraints.

The Dangers of an Unfinished Medicine Cabinet

An unfinished medicine cabinet poses several dangers in a home. Firstly, an unfinished cabinet leaves open, unsecured spaces that can be easily accessed by young children and household pets. This can lead to accidents like ingestion of harmful medication or exposure to dangerous substances causing illness and even death. Secondly, an open medicine cabinet may allow dust, debris, and moisture to accumulate, which could reduce the efficacy of the medication or damaged personal hygiene items such as toothpaste and soap.

Solutions for an Unfinished Medicine Cabinet

Fortunately, an unfinished medicine cabinet can be resolved through various solutions. Here are a few options:

1. Complete the Installation

If the medicine cabinet has been partially installed, completing the installation is a viable solution. Consult with a professional contractor for the proper installation procedures and obtain necessary materials like doors and shelving.

2. Replace the Cabinet

If the current medicine cabinet is too damaged or has reached its expiration date, you may need to replace it. Choose a model that is suitable for your bathroom and ensure that it fits properly into the allotted space.

3. DIY Restoration

If you have the necessary skills and knowledge of carpentry, you may consider undertaking a DIY project to restore your unfinished medicine cabinet. You can purchase tools and materials from home improvement stores to complete this project.

4. Hire a Professional

If the restoration or installation seems overwhelming, it might be best to hire a professional contractor to complete the job. A skilled technician can give the medicine cabinet a polished and sophisticated finish that’ll benefit your family.


An unfinished medicine cabinet could pose several risks in any home. Whether due to budget constraints, oversight, or poor installation practices, it is essential to address an incomplete cabinet promptly. Choosing from one of the solutions discussed above can provide a safe and organized space for your medication and hygiene products, ensuring the well-being of everyone in your household.

How to Finish Your Own Medicine Cabinet


Medicine cabinets are an essential piece of furniture in any household. They provide a place to store medications and other small medical items, making them easily accessible when needed. However, many medicine cabinets come unfinished, leaving you to do the work of finishing it yourself. Fortunately, it's not too difficult to do, and you can have a beautiful and functional medicine cabinet in no time.

Gather Your Materials

Before you begin, you'll need to gather some materials. You'll need sandpaper, wood stain or paint, a sponge or brush, and a cloth. You'll also need some hardware, such as hinges and a knob. Make sure you have everything you need before you start, so you don't have to interrupt your work to go out and buy something.


The first step is to sand the cabinet. Sanding will remove any rough spots or imperfections on the surface of the wood, making it smoother and easier to finish. Begin by using coarse grit sandpaper, then switch to a finer grit for a smoother finish. Make sure you sand in the direction of the grain to avoid creating scratches on the surface.

Staining or Painting

Once you've sanded the cabinet, you're ready to apply the finish. You can use either wood stain or paint, depending on the look you want to achieve. If you want a natural wood look, use a stain. If you want a more colorful finish, use paint. Apply the stain or paint with a sponge or brush, following the instructions on the product label.


After you've applied the finish, you'll need to allow it to dry completely. This can take several hours or even overnight, depending on the humidity and temperature. Make sure you don't touch the surface until it's completely dry, or you'll leave fingerprints and other marks.


While you're waiting for the finish to dry, you can install the hardware. Use a screwdriver to attach the hinges to the cabinet door and the frame of the cabinet. Then, attach the knob to the door. Make sure everything is securely fastened and working properly.

Finishing Touches

Once the finish has dried, you can apply any finishing touches. This might include applying a coat of wax or polyurethane to protect the surface from scratches and spills. You might also want to add some decorative elements, such as stenciling or decals, to make your medicine cabinet unique.


Before you use your new medicine cabinet, make sure you clean it thoroughly. Wipe down the surfaces with a cloth to remove any dust or debris. Then, stock it with your medications and other medical supplies.


To keep your medicine cabinet looking like new, it's important to perform regular maintenance. This might include wiping down the surfaces with a damp cloth, or applying a new coat of wax or polyurethane every year or two. Make sure you keep the cabinet away from moisture, as this can cause the wood to warp or rot.


Finishing an unfinished medicine cabinet is a simple project that even a novice DIYer can tackle. With a few basic materials and a little bit of patience, you can transform an unfinished cabinet into a beautiful and functional piece of furniture. Just remember to take your time, follow the instructions carefully, and enjoy the satisfaction of creating something with your own two hands.

Comparison: Unfinished Medicine Cabinets


When it comes to furnishing any bathroom, one of the most important fixtures is the medicine cabinet. Choosing the right material and design can be a difficult decision with so many options available. Here, we'll be discussing the benefits and drawbacks of unfinished medicine cabinets.

Price Point

Unfinished medicine cabinets tend to be on the lower end of the price spectrum compared to their finished counterparts. This is because they are not stained or painted yet and require additional work before being installed. If money is a concern, an unfinished medicine cabinet may be the best choice.

However, keep in mind that the cost of finishing materials adds to the overall expense of the project, and if you do not plan on doing the finishing yourself, you need to factor in installation costs too.


One of the biggest advantages of choosing an unfinished medicine cabinet is the ability to customize it to fit your specific needs. You can choose from various types of wood that offer varying levels of durability and aesthetics. Additionally, you have the freedom to apply any color stain or paint to match your bathroom's decor.

By choosing unfinished cabinets, you can fully personalize your piece to your taste and preferences.

Installation Difficulty

If you are a DIY enthusiast, installing an unfinished medicine cabinet can be a satisfying project that allows you to save some money. The process of finishing and installing the cabinet yourself can be a time-consuming but affordable option.

On the other hand, if you lack the necessary skills or tools, hiring a professional for the job should be considered.


The level of maintenance for an unfinished medicine cabinet depends largely on the type of wood used. Some woods are more delicate and require special care, while others can withstand moisture and wear without difficulty.

Regardless of the type of wood used, it is recommended to apply a protective finish to protect the wood from moisture damage.


The durability and lifespan of an unfinished medicine cabinet depend largely on the quality of the materials used and the installation process. A high-quality unfinished cabinet made of resilient wood and properly finished and installed could last decades.

However, if low-quality materials are used or if improper installation takes place, the lifespan of the cabinet could be significantly shorter.


While unfinished cabinets offer some level of customizability, they lack in terms of style options. This means if you have a specific design aesthetic in mind, you may have limited options when choosing an unfinished medicine cabinet.

Additionally, unfinished cabinets may not have any decorative elements such as molding, which could be a disadvantage for those seeking a more ornate design.

Compared to Finished Cabinets

In comparison to finished cabinets, the biggest advantage of unfinished medicine cabinets is price. Since they require additional work, unfinished cabinets are generally less expensive than painted or stained cabinets.

On the other hand, finished cabinets offer a variety of style options and require less work upon purchase. They come fully assembled and finished, so you do not have to worry about applying stains or paint and installing the cabinet yourself.


In conclusion, unfinished medicine cabinets are a budget-friendly and customizable option for your bathroom. However, the time and effort required may make it difficult for some homeowners to choose this option. If you are looking for a piece that requires little to no work and offers more style options, a finished medicine cabinet may be a better choice.
Unfinished Medicine Cabinets Finished Medicine Cabinets
Price Less expensive More expensive
Customizability Fully customizable Style options available
Installation DIY option available Professional installation recommended
Maintenance Low maintenance if properly finished Low maintenance
Longevity Depends on quality of materials and installation Depends on quality of materials and installation
Style Limitations in terms of style options Offers more style options

Why Leaving Your Medicine Cabinet Unfinished is a Bad Idea

As we go through our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up with work, friends, and personal obligations that we tend to forget about the things inside our own homes. One of those things is the medicine cabinet, which often gets left unfinished and ignored. But what many people don't realize is that an unfinished medicine cabinet is a potential danger to everyone living in the house. Below are some reasons why you should finish organizing your medicine cabinet:

First and foremost, an unfinished medicine cabinet can lead to accidents. When medications are left lying around, they become accessible to anyone who comes across them, including children, pets, and adults who may not even know what they're taking. This can result in cases of accidental poisoning or overdose, which can be fatal in severe cases.

Secondly, an unfinished medicine cabinet can lead to medication misuse. It's easy for someone to mistake one medicine for another, leading to serious harm or ineffective treatment. Prescription drugs are especially concerning when taken by someone other than the designated patient, as they can cause adverse effects or even addiction.

Thirdly, an unfinished medicine cabinet can result in medication waste. When medicines are not organized properly, it can be hard to keep track of expiration dates, leading to wasted medication. This is not only costly, but it also contributes to environmental waste.

Fourthly, an unfinished medicine cabinet can hinder proper medication management. When medications are not organized, it can be hard to remember what needs to be taken and when. This can lead to skipped doses, missed appointments, and ineffective treatments.

To avoid these scenarios, it's important to properly organize your medicine cabinet. The first step is to sort all medications and discard any that are expired or no longer needed. Then, group medications by type and put them in clearly labeled containers. Label each container with the name of the medication, strength, dosage, and expiration date.

It's also a good idea to keep a current list of all medications and their dosages, including vitamins and supplements. This list should be easily accessible and updated regularly to ensure it's accurate.

In conclusion, an unfinished medicine cabinet is a potential danger that can lead to accidents, medication misuse, medication waste, and hinder proper medication management. To avoid these scenarios, it's essential to properly organize your medicine cabinet. This is a simple step that can help protect everyone in your home from harm.

So, take the time to finish organizing your medicine cabinet today. Your safety and well-being depend on it.

Thank you for reading, and stay safe!

People Also Ask About Unfinished Medicine Cabinet

What is an unfinished medicine cabinet?

An unfinished medicine cabinet is a cabinet that has not been painted or stained. It is usually made of unfinished wood, such as pine or oak. The purpose of leaving the cabinet unfinished is to provide you with the opportunity to customize the look of the cabinet to match your bathroom or personal preferences.

How do I finish my medicine cabinet?

You can finish your medicine cabinet in a variety of ways, depending on your personal preference. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Sand the entire cabinet with fine-grit sandpaper to smooth any rough surfaces.
  2. Clean the cabinet with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris.
  3. Apply a coat of wood conditioner to prepare the wood for staining or painting.
  4. Apply paint or stain according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  5. Allow the cabinet to dry completely before installing it in your bathroom.

What are the benefits of an unfinished medicine cabinet?

There are several benefits to choosing an unfinished medicine cabinet:

  • Customization: The unfinished surface allows you to paint or stain the cabinet to match your bathroom decor or personal style.
  • Affordability: Unfinished medicine cabinets are often less expensive than those that come pre-finished.
  • Quality: Unfinished cabinets are typically made of high-quality wood, such as oak or maple, and are often stronger and more durable than cheaper, pre-finished alternatives.

Can I leave my medicine cabinet unfinished?

Yes, you can. While finishing your medicine cabinet can be beneficial in terms of style and protection, leaving it unfinished is perfectly acceptable as well. The decision ultimately depends on your personal preference and needs.

People Also Ask about Unfinished Medicine Cabinet

1. What is an unfinished medicine cabinet?

An unfinished medicine cabinet refers to a cabinet that has not been painted or stained, allowing you to customize its appearance according to your preference. It usually comes in a natural wood finish, providing a blank canvas for you to apply your desired color or finish.

2. How do I finish an unfinished medicine cabinet?

To finish an unfinished medicine cabinet, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by sanding the cabinet's surface with fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough spots or imperfections.
  2. Remove any dust or debris using a tack cloth or a damp cloth.
  3. Choose your desired finish, whether it's paint, stain, or a combination of both.
  4. If you decide to stain the cabinet, apply the stain evenly using a brush or a rag, following the manufacturer's instructions. Allow it to dry completely.
  5. If you prefer to paint the cabinet, use a primer first to ensure better adhesion. Once the primer is dry, apply the paint in thin and even coats. Let each coat dry before applying the next one.
  6. After the cabinet is fully dry, you can consider adding a protective clear coat or sealer to enhance its durability and longevity.

3. What are the benefits of an unfinished medicine cabinet?

There are several advantages to choosing an unfinished medicine cabinet:

  • Customization: With an unfinished cabinet, you have the freedom to match it to your existing decor by applying the finish of your choice.
  • Personalization: It allows you to express your creativity and style by selecting the paint color or stain that best suits your taste.
  • Flexibility: If your preferences change over time, an unfinished cabinet can be easily repainted or restained to adapt to your new design choices.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Unfinished medicine cabinets are often more affordable compared to pre-finished options, making them a budget-friendly choice.

4. Can I leave an unfinished medicine cabinet as it is?

Yes, you can definitely leave an unfinished medicine cabinet without applying any finish. The natural wood appearance can provide a rustic or minimalist touch to your bathroom decor. However, keep in mind that leaving it untreated may make the wood more susceptible to damage from moisture and other factors.

By providing answers to these commonly asked questions, we aim to help you understand the concept of unfinished medicine cabinets, how to finish them, their benefits, and the option of leaving them untreated.