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Maximize Storage Space with the Angle Base Cabinet: Ideal for Small Kitchen Areas

Angle Base Cabinet

Angle Base Cabinet is a versatile storage solution for corners, maximizing space utilization and adding functionality to any kitchen or bathroom.

If you're tired of the same old kitchen cabinets and want to add something unique to your kitchen, an angle base cabinet may be the solution you're looking for. This type of cabinet is not only stylish but also functional and can provide extra storage space.

But what exactly is an angle base cabinet? It's a cabinet that fits in the corner of your kitchen, which makes it useful for small kitchens with limited space. The cabinet has a diagonal shape that allows it to take advantage of the corner space that is typically unused.

Did you know that angle base cabinets can increase storage space in your kitchen by up to 50%? That's right! By adding one or two angle base cabinets in your kitchen, you can gain more storage for your pots, pans, and other kitchen items.

Not only do angle base cabinets provide extra storage space, but they can also be customized to fit your style and needs. You can choose from a variety of finishes, colors, and sizes to match your kitchen decor and maximize your corner space.

One of the biggest advantages of angle base cabinets is that they are easy to install. They come in pre-made sizes, so you won't have to worry about cutting and measuring. All you need is a screwdriver and some basic tools, and you'll be able to install the cabinet in no time!

Another great feature of angle base cabinets is that they provide easy access to your kitchen items. Instead of having to reach deep into a regular cabinet, you can easily pull out your pots and pans from an angle base cabinet without having to strain your back.

You may think that angle base cabinets are expensive, but they are actually quite affordable. Because they are pre-made, they cost less than custom cabinets and are available in a range of prices to fit your budget.

Are you worried about the durability of an angle base cabinet? Don't be! They are made from high-quality materials that are built to last. You won't have to worry about replacing them anytime soon.

If you're looking for a way to increase storage space in your kitchen and add some style, then an angle base cabinet may be just what you need. With their unique design and functionality, they are the perfect solution for small kitchens and can help you make the most out of your corner space!

So why wait? Contact your local cabinet provider today and ask about angle base cabinets. Your kitchen will thank you!


Cabinets are an essential part of any kitchen, providing storage for all your utensils, ingredients, and cookware. But what if you have an odd-shaped corner in your kitchen that can’t be filled by a regular cabinet? Here’s where the angle base cabinet comes in – a perfect solution to utilize those hard-to-reach corners in your kitchen.

What is an Angle Base Cabinet?

An angle base cabinet is a specially designed cabinet that fits snugly into the corner of a kitchen. These cabinets come with angled sides, which make them perfect for covering the junction between two adjoining walls.

Advantages of Angle Base Cabinets

Angle base cabinets are a popular choice because of their numerous advantages. Here are some of them:

1. Space-saving: One of the biggest advantages of angle base cabinets is that they utilize every inch of your kitchen space. They occupy the corner, which is otherwise dead space, and provide additional storage.2. Accessible: Because of their angled design, angle base cabinets are easily accessible. You don’t have to reach deep into the corner to get items, making them an excellent choice for individuals with mobility problems or back pain.3. Aesthetically pleasing: Angle base cabinets create a clean and seamless look in your kitchen. They integrate seamlessly with other cabinets and become a part of your overall kitchen design.4. Customizable: Angle base cabinets come in various shapes, sizes, and finishes. You can choose the one that best suits your needs and complements your kitchen décor.

Disadvantages of Angle Base Cabinets

As with anything, there are some disadvantages to angle base cabinets as well. Let’s take a look:

1. More expensive: Angle base cabinets are generally more expensive than regular cabinets due to their specialized design and construction.2. Limited functionality: Due to their shape, angle base cabinets are not suitable for storing large or bulky items.3. Challenging installation: Installing angle base cabinets can be a bit tricky. You need to be very precise with the measurements and ensure that they fit snugly into the corner.

How to Choose an Angle Base Cabinet

When choosing an angle base cabinet, here are some factors to consider:

1. Material: Choose a material that is durable, easy to clean, and matches your other cabinets.2. Size: Make sure to measure the corner space properly before selecting the cabinet size.3. Door options: Choose a door style that complements your kitchen décor and opens smoothly.4. Storage options: Look for customized storage options such as pull-out drawers, lazy susans, or shelving units to make the most of the cabinet’s space.


Angle base cabinets are an excellent way to utilize those hard-to-reach corners in your kitchen. They are accessible, save space, and enhance the overall aesthetics of your kitchen. While they are more expensive than regular cabinets, choosing an angle base cabinet that matches your needs, style, and budget will be worth the investment.

How to Properly Design and Install an Angle Base Cabinet


When designing your kitchen, it's essential to consider the shape and size of the room. Angled walls or corners can often create awkward spaces, making traditional cabinets difficult to fit and install. However, with proper planning and design, incorporating angle base cabinets can make all the difference in maximizing your storage space in the kitchen.

Planning Your Design

The first step in creating an angle base cabinet is to measure the angles and dimensions of the corner or angled wall where the cabinet will be placed. Ensure that your measurements are precise and accurate so that the cabinet fits snugly into the space and is flush with the surrounding walls.

Creating a Template

One essential tool for designing an angle base cabinet is creating a template. A template allows you to visualize and test different designs before making any commitments. Using a piece of cardboard or plywood, create a mock-up of your cabinet to ensure that it fits comfortably in its designated space, and adjust your design as necessary.

Purchasing Materials

Once your design is finalized, it's time to purchase your materials. You'll need wood for your cabinet box, doors, and drawer fronts, as well as screws, hinges, and knobs or pulls to complete your installation.

Constructing the Cabinet

Start by building the cabinet box using your preferred wood, ensuring that measurements are precise and level. Assemble the cabinet box using wood glue and screws or staples and add support bracing if necessary.

Cabinet Doors and Drawer Fronts

When installing cabinet doors for an angled base cabinet, you must account for the angles of the wall. This means that the doors must be of different widths, so each one can open comfortably without obstruction. You'll also need to cut and shape the door edges to match the angles of the wall.

Hinges and Knobs

Ensure that the hinges and knobs or pulls you choose for your cabinet complement your kitchen's design and are the appropriate size for your cabinets. When attaching them to your cabinet doors and drawer fronts, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and use a level guide to ensure that they are properly aligned.

Installing the Cabinet

Once everything is constructed and in place, it's time to install your angle base cabinet. Each cabinet will require two to three people to ensure that it is stable and secure during installation. Begin by attaching the cabinet to the wall using L brackets. Confirm that the cabinet is level before attaching to the adjacent cabinets.

Securing the Cabinet Box

After installing the cabinet to the wall, you'll need to secure the box to the face frame of the cabinet. Use wood screws, ensuring the screws penetrate the frame into the sides and back of the cabinet box.

Attaching Doors and Drawer Fronts

Finally, attach the cabinet doors and drawer fronts to complete the installation. Installing an angle base cabinet requires patience and precision, but with careful planning and execution, it can make a significant difference in how you utilize storage space in your kitchen.


In summary, designing and installing an angle base cabinet can seem like an intimidating task, but with patience and attention to detail, anyone can successfully tackle this project. With careful thought and execution, angle base cabinets can provide much-needed storage solutions in areas where traditional cabinets would not fit.

Comparing Angle Base Cabinets: The Best Choice for Your Kitchen


When it comes to kitchen remodeling, choosing the right type of cabinets can make a huge difference. One style that has gained popularity in recent years is the angle base cabinet. In this article, we will compare angle base cabinets with other types of cabinets and discuss their benefits and drawbacks.

Types of Cabinets

Before we dive into the specifics of angle base cabinets, let's take a quick look at some other popular types of cabinets:

1. Base Cabinets

Base cabinets are the most common type of cabinet found in kitchens. They are mounted on the floor and serve as the foundation for countertops and upper cabinets.

2. Wall Cabinets

Wall cabinets are installed above base cabinets and provide additional storage space. They are usually around 12 inches deep and range in height from 12 to 42 inches.

3. Tall Cabinets

Tall cabinets are typically used as pantry or storage cabinets. They can be up to 8 feet tall and offer ample storage space for food items, appliances, and other kitchen essentials.

What are Angle Base Cabinets?

Angle base cabinets, also known as corner cabinets, are cabinets designed to fit into the corners of your kitchen. They are useful for making the most out of every inch of space in your kitchen.

Comparison: Angle Base Cabinets vs. Standard Cabinets

Now let's compare angle base cabinets with standard base cabinets:

1. Storage Space

Angle base cabinets provide more storage space than standard base cabinets. This is because they have two doors and extend further into the corner, providing more usable space.

2. Accessibility

One downside to angle base cabinets is that they can be harder to access than standard base cabinets. Items placed in the back of the cabinet may be harder to reach, especially if you have to bend down to retrieve them.

3. Design Options

Angle base cabinets come in a variety of designs, including lazy susan cabinets and diagonal corner cabinets. This allows you to choose a design that best fits your kitchen layout and storage needs.

Comparison: Angle Base Cabinets vs. Wall Cabinets

Here are some key differences between angle base cabinets and wall cabinets:

1. Height

Wall cabinets are usually installed above base cabinets and range in height from 12 to 42 inches. Angle base cabinets, on the other hand, can be up to 36 inches high.

2. Storage Space

Wall cabinets provide more storage space than angle base cabinets since they can be installed all the way up to the ceiling. However, they may not be as accessible as angle base cabinets.

3. Design Options

Both angle base cabinets and wall cabinets come in a variety of design options. However, angle base cabinets are designed specifically for corner spaces, while wall cabinets can be installed anywhere in your kitchen.


In my opinion, angle base cabinets are a great choice for any kitchen. They offer more storage space than standard base cabinets and are available in a range of designs to suit your needs. While they may be less accessible than other types of cabinets, this is a small trade-off for the added storage space they provide.


Choosing the right type of cabinets for your kitchen can make all the difference in your remodeling project. Angle base cabinets are an excellent choice for maximizing storage space in your kitchen. While they may require a bit more effort to access, the added storage space is worth it in the long run.

Revamp Your Space with an Angle Base Cabinet

Are you looking for a way to make better use of those awkward corner spaces in your kitchen or bathroom? An angle base cabinet can be just the solution you need. Not only does it offer much-needed storage space, but it also adds a stylish touch to your room. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider adding an angle base cabinet to your home.

First and foremost, angle base cabinets are incredibly versatile. They come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and materials, so you’re sure to find one that fits your specific needs and preferences. You can choose a cabinet with shelves or drawers, or even a combination of both, depending on what you need to store. Plus, you can opt for a variety of finishes and colors to coordinate with your existing decor.

Another advantage of angle base cabinets is that they make use of previously unused space. Corners can be tricky to work with, and often end up being wasted space. By installing an angle base cabinet, you’ll be able to take that dead space and transform it into useful storage space. This is particularly important in smaller rooms where every inch really counts.

Aside from practical considerations, angle base cabinets can also add a unique design element to your room. They break up the monotony of straight lines and squared-off corners, adding interest and depth to your space. Plus, depending on the material you choose, a base cabinet can exude either a classic or modern aesthetic.

Perhaps one of the best things about angle base cabinets is that they provide easy access to your stored items. No more digging through a cluttered cabinet to find what you need. With an angle base cabinet, everything is easily visible and within reach. Plus, many models come with pull-out shelves or lazy susans, making retrieving items even easier.

If you’re worried about the cost of adding an angle base cabinet to your home, fear not. There are a wide range of options available at different price points, so there’s sure to be something that fits your budget. Plus, the investment in a quality cabinet will pay off in the long run, as it adds value to your home and makes your space more functional.

When it comes to installation, an angle base cabinet can be a bit trickier than a standard cabinet. However, with the right tools and some basic knowledge of carpentry, it’s a DIY project that many homeowners can tackle themselves. Of course, if you’re less than handy with a saw and hammer, it’s always best to hire a professional to ensure proper installation.

Before purchasing an angle base cabinet, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Firstly, make sure to measure your available space carefully to ensure a good fit. Additionally, consider what items you plan to store in the cabinet to determine what type of shelving or drawer systems you’ll need. Finally, think about the overall design aesthetic you’re going for, and choose a cabinet that complements your existing decor.

In conclusion, an angle base cabinet is an attractive and practical addition to any home. It makes use of previously unutilized space, adds interest to your room, and offers easy access to your stored items. With the wide range of options available, there’s sure to be a cabinet that fits both your budget and your specific needs. So why not consider adding an angle base cabinet to your home today?

Thank you for reading this article on angle base cabinets. We hope you’ve found it informative and helpful as you consider revamping your space. Whether you’re looking to add storage, style, or both, an angle base cabinet might be just the solution you need. If you have any questions or comments about this article, please feel free to post them below.

People Also Ask About Angle Base Cabinet

What is an angle base cabinet?

An angle base cabinet is a type of kitchen cabinet that has a diagonal shape. It is used to make use of dead spaces in the kitchen such as corners and help maximize storage space.

What are the benefits of an angle base cabinet?

Some of the benefits of having an angle base cabinet include:

  • They allow for more storage space in the kitchen by utilizing previously unusable areas like corners.
  • They make it easier to access items that are stored in the corner of your kitchen.
  • They add a unique design element to your kitchen that can make it stand out.

How do you measure for an angle base cabinet?

To measure for an angle base cabinet, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the distance from the corner of your kitchen to the edge of the counter on one side.
  2. Measure the width of the cabinet that you want to install.
  3. Repeat this process on the other side of your kitchen.
  4. Add up the measurements on both sides and subtract the width of the cabinet to get the correct size for your angle base cabinet.

How do you install an angle base cabinet?

Here are the steps to install an angle base cabinet:

  1. Mark the area where you want to install the cabinet.
  2. Secure two cleats along the marked area where the back and side of the cabinet will rest.
  3. Set the back of the cabinet on the cleats and check that it is level.
  4. Secure the sides of the cabinet to the wall using screws and brackets.
  5. Place the shelf inside the cabinet and secure it in place with screws.
  6. Install the doors and any additional hardware.

People Also Ask About Angle Base Cabinet

1. What is an angle base cabinet?

An angle base cabinet is a type of cabinet specifically designed to fit into corners, making efficient use of space in kitchens or other areas where cabinets are commonly installed. It has a unique shape that allows it to seamlessly merge two adjoining cabinet runs at a corner.

2. How does an angle base cabinet differ from a standard base cabinet?

An angle base cabinet differs from a standard base cabinet in terms of its shape and dimensions. While a standard base cabinet is rectangular, an angle base cabinet is usually L-shaped or has a pie-cut shape to fit snugly into a corner. This design allows it to maximize storage space and provide easy access to items in the corner area.

3. What are the benefits of using an angle base cabinet?

Using an angle base cabinet offers several benefits:

  • Optimal use of corner space: Angle base cabinets effectively utilize otherwise wasted corner space, providing additional storage capacity.
  • Better accessibility: With its design, an angle base cabinet allows for easier access to items stored in the corner, eliminating the need to reach deep into a regular base cabinet.
  • Seamless integration: An angle base cabinet blends smoothly with other cabinets, creating a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing look in the kitchen or any other area.

4. Can angle base cabinets be customized?

Yes, angle base cabinets can be customized to suit specific needs and preferences. They are available in various sizes, styles, and finishes to match the overall design of the kitchen or space. Additionally, accessories such as pull-out shelves or Lazy Susans can be added to enhance functionality and organization within the cabinet.

5. How do I install an angle base cabinet?

Installing an angle base cabinet requires some expertise. It is recommended to consult a professional contractor or cabinet installer who can ensure proper alignment and secure installation. They will determine the correct measurements, adjust for any irregularities in the corner space, and securely fasten the cabinet to the wall and adjacent cabinets.

In conclusion, an angle base cabinet is a specialized cabinet that optimizes corner space, provides better accessibility, and seamlessly integrates with other cabinets. Its unique design and customizable options make it an excellent choice for maximizing storage and enhancing the overall functionality of kitchens or other areas where cabinets are utilized.