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Unleash the Power of Tap Target Creatures in Magic The Gathering: A Comprehensive Guide

Magic The Gathering Tap Target Creature

Magic The Gathering Tap Target Creature: Learn how to strategically tap your opponent's creatures to gain the upper hand in battles and dominate the game.

If you are a fan of Magic the Gathering, then you know how intricate the game can be. The gameplay is so enthralling that you can easily spend hours trying to outwit your opponent. One of the key mechanics in Magic the Gathering is tap target creature, where players use their creatures to attack and defend themselves.

But why is tap target creature such an important aspect of the game? Simply put, it allows players to control the battlefield. By tapping a creature, you not only signal that it is attacking or defending, but you also limit its abilities, making it unable to block or activate abilities.

Tap target creatures come in handy when you need to prevent your opponent from attacking you or when you want to take out one of their creatures. But how do you ensure that your opponent doesn't counter your strategy? Well, that's where your knowledge of card abilities comes in.

Did you know that some cards, like Whirlwind Denial, can effectively counter your opponent's tap ability during combat? This means that you have to be careful and strategic when using tap target creatures, as your opponent may have a counterattack up their sleeve.

A fun fact about tap target creatures is that they can be used for more than just attacking and defending. Some cards allow you to tap your creatures to activate their abilities, such as Prodigious Growth, which lets you give a creature +7/+7 until end of turn.

Looking for ways to optimize your use of tap target creatures? Consider building a deck that focuses on creatures with tap abilities. This allows you to create a powerful army of creatures that can attack, defend, and activate abilities all at once.

But beware, your opponent may have a trick or two up their sleeve. Be sure to consider including cards like Tempest Caller, which can tap all of your opponent's creatures at once, giving you the upper hand in combat.

In conclusion, tap target creatures are an important aspect of Magic the Gathering. Players use them to control the battlefield, allowing for strategic gameplay and exciting moments. With the right knowledge and deck, you can become a master of tap abilities, taking down opponents and winning games with ease.

Magic The Gathering Tap Target Creature

Magic The Gathering is a popular collectible card game that has been around since 1993. It is a game of strategy and skill, where players build decks of cards and battle against each other using spells, creatures, and other magical abilities. One important aspect of the game is tapping creatures to use their abilities or to attack. In this article, we will discuss how to tap target creatures in Magic The Gathering.

What does it mean to tap a creature?

In Magic The Gathering, tapping a creature means turning it sideways to show that it has been used. Tapping a creature is how you use its abilities or attack with it. Once a creature is tapped, it cannot be used again until it becomes untapped. This means that tapping a creature is a strategic decision that can have both positive and negative consequences.

Why would you want to tap a creature?

There are many reasons why you might want to tap a creature in Magic The Gathering. Some creatures have powerful abilities that can only be used by tapping them. For example, a creature might have an ability that deals damage to an opponent when it is tapped. Other creatures might have abilities that allow you to draw cards or gain life when they are tapped. Additionally, tapping creatures is necessary for attacking in the game.

How do you tap a creature?

To tap a creature in Magic The Gathering, you need to turn it sideways so that it is perpendicular to the other cards on the battlefield. This indicates that it has been used and cannot be used again until it is untapped. You can tap a creature by saying I'm tapping [the name of the creature] or by physically turning the card sideways. If you forget to tap a creature when you use it, your opponent may remind you to do so.

Can you tap your opponent's creatures?

Yes, you can tap your opponent's creatures in Magic The Gathering. This can be useful for preventing them from attacking or using abilities. For example, if your opponent has a creature with a powerful ability, you might want to tap it to prevent them from using that ability. Additionally, tapping your opponent's creatures can force them to waste their turn by untapping them on their next upkeep.

What are some cards that interact with tapping creatures?

There are many cards in Magic The Gathering that have abilities that interact with tapping creatures. Here are a few examples:

  • Voracious Wurm: This creature gains +2/+2 whenever you gain life. When Voracious Wurm attacks, you can tap any number of creatures you control to gain life equal to their total power.
  • Orochi Sustainer: This creature can tap to untap another creature. This can be useful for attacking with multiple creatures or using their abilities more than once per turn.
  • Goblin War Drums: This enchantment gives all attacking creatures menace, which means they can't be blocked except by two or more creatures. Additionally, creatures with menace must be blocked by two or more creatures if able. This can be particularly useful if you have tapped your opponent's creatures but still want to get damage through.


Tapping creatures is an essential part of Magic The Gathering. It is how you use their abilities, attack with them, and interact with your opponent's creatures. By mastering the art of tapping creatures, you can become a skilled Magic The Gathering player and win many battles. Keep these tips in mind and start practicing your tapping skills today!

Magic The Gathering Tap Target Creature Tips and Strategies


Magic The Gathering is one of the most popular card games in the world, and it's easy to see why. The game has a rich lore, an expansive universe, and countless strategies that players can use to win. One of the key mechanics in this game is tapping, which involves turning a card sideways to indicate that it has been used. In this article, we will discuss tap target creature, what it does, and how you can use it to your advantage.

What is Tap Target Creature?

Tap target creature is an ability that allows you to tap one of your opponent's creatures and prevent it from attacking or blocking. This ability can be found on many Magic The Gathering cards, and it can be used both offensively and defensively.


When using tap target creature on an offensive basis, you will want to target creatures that are preventing you from defeating your opponent. For example, if your opponent has a creature with a powerful ability that is causing you problems, you can use tap target creature to prevent it from using that ability. This can give you the advantage you need to overwhelm your opponent and claim victory.


On defense, tap target creature can be incredibly useful. If your opponent has a powerful creature that is attacking you, you can use this ability to prevent that creature from dealing damage to you. This can buy you time to build up your own forces and eventually defeat your opponent.

How to Use Tap Target Creature Effectively

In order to use tap target creature effectively, you need to know when and how to use it. Here are some tips:

Know Your Opponent's Cards:

The first step in using tap target creature effectively is to know your opponent's cards. This will help you identify which creatures you need to target with this ability. Study your opponent's deck and try to anticipate which creatures they will use in battle.

Pick Your Battles:

Just like any strategy, tapping can be a risk. You don't want to use this ability on a creature that isn't causing you problems. Be selective and use tap target creature when you need to gain an advantage.

Don't Overuse It:

Tap target creature is a powerful ability, but it does have its limitations. You don't want to overuse this ability, as it can make you vulnerable to counterattacks from your opponent. Use it wisely and selectively.

Pair Tap Target Creature with Other Abilities:

Finally, tap target creature can be even more effective when paired with other abilities. For example, you can use this ability alongside cards that deal damage to tapped creatures or that create creatures that are immune to tapping.


Tap target creature is a versatile ability that can be used in both offensive and defensive strategies. By knowing your opponent's cards, picking your battles, not overusing the ability, and pairing it with other abilities, you can use this ability effectively and gain the upper hand in your Magic The Gathering battles.

Comparing Tap Target Creature in Magic The Gathering

What is a Tap Target Creature?

In Magic The Gathering, a tap target creature is an ability that allows a player to tap (or turn) a creature to activate its ability or use it to block or attack. When a creature is tapped, it cannot be used again until it is untapped, which makes it a valuable strategy to control board states and limit the options of your opponent.

Types of Tap Target Creature Abilities

There are different types of tap target creature abilities, which have varying effects on gameplay. Some examples include:- Activated Abilities: These abilities require tapping the creature as part of the cost to activate the ability. An example of this is the Prodigal Pyromancer card's ability to deal one damage to any target by tapping it.- Mana Abilities: These abilities allow players to tap the creature to produce mana, which can then be used to pay for other spell or creature costs. For example, Llanowar Elves creatures can tap for one green mana.- Tap Effects: Some creatures have abilities that trigger when they are tapped. Thousand-Year Elixir is an artifact card that allows creatures to tap as though they had haste and to use activated abilities as though they had haste.

Comparison Table: Tap Target Creatures

Card Name Type Mana Cost Ability
Prodigal Pyromancer Creature 1RR Tap to deal 1 damage to any target.
Llanowar Elves Creature G Tap: Add G to your mana pool.
Thousand-Year Elixir Artifact 3 Tap: Untap another target creature. Creatures you control have haste and can use activated abilities as though they had haste.

Opinions on Tap Target Creatures

Using tap target creatures strategically is essential in Magic The Gathering gameplay. Understanding the types of abilities and how to use them effectively is key to building a successful deck. Prodigal Pyromancer is a versatile card that can be useful for direct damage, player strategy, or creature control. Llanowar Elves is a classic and efficient creature that can generate extra mana quickly, which can be essential for larger spell costs. Thousand-Year Elixir is a powerful artifact that can be used to add velocity to creature-based strategies.

Pros and Cons of Tap Target Creatures

One of the pros of tap target creatures is their ability to control board states and restrict an opponent's options. A tapped creature is a valuable tool for preventing attacks or enabling direct damage. Additionally, many tap target creatures offer additional benefits beyond just their ability to tap, such as producing mana or untapping other creatures.A potential con of tap target creatures is their vulnerability to removal spells. A tapped creature is a sitting duck, and it can be removed from the board easily by enemy spells or abilities. Additionally, some tap target creatures are weaker than other creature types and are not as useful for attacking or blocking.


Tap target creatures are an important part of Magic The Gathering gameplay, and many different types of creatures offer unique abilities that can be used to control board states and gain a strategic upper hand. Experimenting with different tap target creature cards can help players build versatile and effective decks that can handle a wide range of opponents and situations.

Magic The Gathering: Understanding Tap Target Creature

If you are a fan of Magic The Gathering, then you know the importance of tap target creatures. These creatures play a crucial role in the game, allowing you to attack, block, and use abilities. But what exactly does it mean to tap a creature? And how do you use this ability to your advantage?

First, let's define what tapping means. Tapping a creature means turning it sideways to indicate that it is being used for an action. In essence, you are using the creature's abilities by tapping into its power. When a creature is tapped, it cannot be used again until it is untapped in a later turn.

Tapping a creature is an essential part of attacking and blocking. When you declare an attacking creature, it must be tapped, indicating that it is being used to attack the opponent. Similarly, when you block an attacking creature, the blocker must also be tapped to show that it is defending.

Another way to tap a creature is by using its own abilities. Many creatures have special abilities that require them to be tapped, such as the ability to deal damage or increase their power. By tapping the creature to use its ability, you are essentially using it to its fullest potential.

One important thing to note is that tapping a creature can leave it vulnerable. If a creature is tapped for an action, it cannot be used to block or defend until it is untapped. This means that your opponent can use this to their advantage, attacking when your creatures are tapped and unable to defend.

However, there are ways to untap your creatures and take advantage of their abilities again. Cards like Inspiration allow you to untap one of your creatures, giving you more options for attacking and defending. Other cards, like Freewind Equenaut, have abilities that allow you to untap your creatures in certain situations.

The ability to tap and untap creatures is a fundamental part of Magic The Gathering strategy. By using your creatures strategically and taking advantage of their abilities, you can gain an advantage over your opponent and come out on top. Just remember to consider the risks and rewards of tapping your creatures and choose your actions carefully.

To conclude, the ability to tap target creature is just one aspect of Magic The Gathering that adds to the game's depth and complexity. With this power, players can create powerful moves and unexpected surprises that keep the game interesting and challenging. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, there is always something new to learn about the world of Magic The Gathering, so keep exploring and mastering your skills.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on Magic The Gathering: Understanding Tap Target Creature. We hope you found this information helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Magic The Gathering Tap Target Creature

What does Tap Target Creature mean in Magic The Gathering?

In Magic The Gathering, tapping a creature means rotating it 90 degrees to indicate that it has been used for an action. When a card says tap target creature, it means that the player must choose a creature on the battlefield and tap it. This can be used to prevent that creature from blocking or attacking, or to activate abilities that require tapping.

Can you tap a creature that already has summoning sickness?

No, if a creature has not been under a player's control since the beginning of their turn, it has summoning sickness and cannot be tapped to use abilities or attack until the next turn it is under that player's control.

Can you tap a creature with summoning sickness to activate its own ability?

Yes, creatures with summoning sickness can still be tapped to activate their own abilities as long as they do not require the creature to attack or tap another creature.

Can tapping a creature cancel its abilities?

No, unless a card specifically states that tapping a creature cancels its abilities, tapping a creature will not affect its abilities. However, tapping a creature can prevent it from using abilities that require tapping, as it can no longer perform that action after being tapped.

Can you tap an opponent's creature?

Yes, if a card says tap target creature, it can target any creature on the battlefield, regardless of who controls it.

Can a creature with vigilance be tapped?

Yes, a creature with vigilance can be tapped just like any other creature. However, a creature with vigilance can still attack even if it has been tapped, as long as it has not already attacked during that turn.

Can you tap a creature multiple times in one turn?

Yes, as long as the card being used allows for it. Some cards may say tap target creature once, while others may say tap target creature X times. It all depends on the specific card and its abilities.

Can you tap a creature that is summoning sick to pay for a cost?

Yes, tapping a creature with summoning sickness can be used to pay for a cost as long as the cost only requires tapping, and does not involve attacking or tapping another creature.

What happens when you tap a creature card in your hand?

You cannot tap a creature card in your hand. Cards in your hand are not considered on the battlefield and cannot be tapped or used for any abilities unless specifically stated on the card.

What does it mean when a creature is untapped?

When a creature is untapped, it means that it has not been rotated 90 degrees to indicate that it has been used for an action. An untapped creature is available to block, attack, and use abilities that require tapping.

What is a tap ability in Magic The Gathering?

A tap ability is an ability listed on a card that requires the card's controller to tap it in order to activate the ability. These abilities can range from dealing damage to opponents, to drawing extra cards, to increasing creature stats, among others.

Can tapping a creature cause it to die?

No, tapping a creature does not cause it to die on its own. However, tapping a creature can make it vulnerable to attacks or abilities that could cause it to be destroyed, depending on the specific situation.

People Also Ask About Magic The Gathering Tap Target Creature

1. How does tapping a creature work in Magic the Gathering?

When you tap a creature in Magic the Gathering, you turn it sideways by rotating it 90 degrees counterclockwise. Tapping a creature is often done to indicate that it has been used to attack, activate an ability, or has otherwise been used in some way during your turn. A tapped creature cannot attack, block, or use any abilities that require it to be untapped unless an effect specifically allows it to do so.

2. Can you tap an opponent's creature in Magic the Gathering?

No, you cannot directly tap an opponent's creature in Magic the Gathering. Tapping a creature is considered an activated ability and can only be done with your own creatures unless a card or effect specifically allows you to tap an opponent's creature. However, there are cards that allow you to force an opponent's creature to become tapped as part of their effect.

3. Can a tapped creature still block in Magic the Gathering?

No, a tapped creature cannot block in Magic the Gathering. In order for a creature to be able to block, it must be untapped. When a creature is tapped, it is turned sideways and cannot be used to block an attacking creature. Keep in mind that there are certain cards or effects that may allow a tapped creature to still block, but these are exceptions rather than the norm.

4. What is the purpose of tapping a creature in Magic the Gathering?

Tapping a creature in Magic the Gathering serves various purposes. It can be used to indicate that a creature has attacked during your turn, activated an ability, or been used in some other way. Additionally, tapping a creature may be required to pay certain costs, such as casting a spell or activating an ability that requires you to tap a certain number of creatures. Tapping a creature can also be part of certain game mechanics and strategies, allowing you to control the battlefield and hinder your opponent's actions.

5. Can a tapped creature still use its abilities in Magic the Gathering?

In most cases, a tapped creature cannot use its abilities in Magic the Gathering. The majority of abilities require the creature to be untapped in order to be activated or triggered. However, there are exceptions where a creature's ability can be activated even when tapped, as indicated by the specific card's text. It's important to carefully read and understand the abilities of each creature to determine whether they can be used while tapped or if they require the creature to be untapped.

6. How can you untap a tapped creature in Magic the Gathering?

To untap a tapped creature in Magic the Gathering, you generally need to wait until your next turn. At the beginning of your turn's upkeep step, all of your tapped permanents, including creatures, untap automatically. There are also certain cards or effects that allow you to untap specific creatures or all creatures on the battlefield outside of the normal untap step. These effects can be used strategically to maximize the usefulness of your creatures during a game.