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Discover the Ultimate Guide to Guild Wars 2 Target: Master Your Strategy and Dominate the Game!

Guild Wars 2 Target

Guild Wars 2 is a popular MMORPG with a vast open world, dynamic events, and immersive storytelling. Join now and embark on epic adventures!

Guild Wars 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by ArenaNet. This game has been well-loved by the gaming community since it was launched in 2012, and it still has a very active player base today. One reason for its sustained popularity is that ArenaNet keeps introducing new content regularly. For instance, ArenaNet announced that they have a target for Guild Wars 2 that will keep players coming back for more.

So, what is this target that Guild Wars 2 has set out to achieve? It's a simple one – the developers want to make the game more inclusive. Essentially, ArenaNet wants to make sure that all the players enjoy the game no matter their background or skill level. It's a noble goal, but is it achievable?

The news of this target couldn't have come at a better time for the game. The world of gaming is changing, and now more than ever, inclusivity is becoming an important issue. Many players are beginning to feel left out of the gaming community because they don't fit into the traditional mold of the gamer.

Inclusivity involves many things, but one of the most crucial aspects is accessibility. Can everyone access and enjoy Guild Wars 2? Yes, they can! The game is available on both PC and Mac, and it doesn't require a high-end machine to run. Additionally, the game has many accessibility options such as color-blind modes and customizable UIs.

Another aspect of inclusivity is catering to different play styles. Guild Wars 2 offers a variety of gameplay options to suit the diverse preferences of its players. For example, some players enjoy taking part in epic battles, and the game has a robust PvP system that allows them to do exactly that. Others prefer a more laid-back experience, and they can choose to focus on crafting and exploration.

The developers at ArenaNet are also striving to make the game less intimidating for new players. Guild Wars 2 can seem daunting at first, but the game's tutorial system does an excellent job of easing players into the game. The game also has a supportive community that's always happy to help out newcomers.

One thing that sets Guild Wars 2 is its Living World content. This continuously changing content offers something new every few months, which means players always have something to look forward to. The game's updates are free, making it accessible for all players.

But here's the big question – why should you care about Guild Wars 2's inclusivity target? The answer is simple – the game is a ton of fun! It offers an immersive world, engaging gameplay, and stunning graphics. Best of all, you can enjoy it with your friends. No matter what your background or skill level, Guild Wars 2 has something to offer.

To sum it up, Guild Wars 2's inclusivity target is a step in the right direction for the gaming industry. The game is accessible, accommodating, and engaging for all players. Whether you're a veteran player or a newcomer, it's worth giving this game a chance. So why not jump in and see what the world of Tyria has to offer?

Guild Wars 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that has been around since 2012. It allows players to create their characters and explore the world of Tyria with their friends or solo. One of the aspects that make Guild Wars 2 unique among other MMORPGs is its targeting system or lack thereof.

No Target, No Problem

In most MMORPGs, players have to select their targets manually before they can attack them. Guild Wars 2, on the other hand, doesn't require players to target their enemies explicitly. Instead, the game uses a dynamic combat system that allows players to engage in battles without worrying about targeting. This means that players can dodge, block, or counterattack without having to worry about which enemy they're targeting.

The lack of a traditional targeting system makes combat in Guild Wars 2 more fluid and intuitive. Players can move around freely, position themselves better, and use different skills to fight off their opponents. It also makes PvP encounters more exciting and unpredictable as players can switch targets on the fly or focus on a particular player without having to switch targets manually.


While Guild Wars 2 doesn't have a manual targeting system, it does have an auto-targeting feature that helps players engage enemies. The game uses a soft lock-on system that automatically selects the nearest enemy within range. This means that players can begin attacking an enemy without having to worry about selecting it manually.

However, this doesn't mean that players are limited to only one enemy at a time. Players can hit multiple enemies if they're close enough to each other or target a secondary enemy by hitting a specific key. This option allows players to spread their attacks and deal damage to multiple enemies at once or focus on a particular enemy while keeping an eye on others nearby.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The lack of a targeting system is unique to Guild Wars 2, but it comes with its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Fluid combat
  • Faster reaction times
  • Dynamic PvP encounters
  • Easier movement
  • Easy to pick up by new players


  • Harder to coordinate attacks in a group
  • Requires a lot of attention and awareness
  • Auto-targeting can be unreliable at times
  • Limitations for some classes and builds

While the lack of a targeting system makes combat more fluid and exciting, it can also pose challenges for players who prefer more traditional MMORPGs. For example, players who rely on positioning or crowd control may find themselves at a disadvantage as they have to pay attention to multiple enemies at once. Additionally, auto-targeting can sometimes lock onto the wrong enemy, making some skills ineffective or wasting valuable cooldowns.


Guild Wars 2's targeting system, or the lack thereof, is one of the game's defining features. It allows players to engage in battles without worrying about selecting their targets manually, making combat more dynamic and engaging. However, it also comes with its set of challenges, including limitations for some classes and unreliable auto-targeting. Overall, Guild Wars 2's combat system is unique and offers a fresh experience for players who are looking for something new in the crowded world of MMORPGs.

Guild Wars 2 Target Guide: Tips and Tricks


Targeting plays a significant role in Guild Wars 2, especially when it comes to PvE and PvP scenarios. It is crucial to be able to interact with your opponents and allies using targeted skills and abilities. In this guide, we will provide some helpful tips and tricks that can help you target more accurately and effectively.

Tip #1: Adjust Your Targeting Settings

Guild Wars 2 provides various targeting options that can be customized to suit your needs. For instance, you can select between melee or range settings to automatically switch between targets according to your distance from them. Additionally, you can also enable smart targeting, which prioritizes targets depending on their proximity to you.

How to Adjust Your Targeting Settings

To adjust your targeting settings, navigate to the Options window and click on Input. Here, you can select from a variety of customization options that include targeting mode, automatic targeting, camera tracking, and more.

Tip #2: Use Tab-Targeting

Tab-targeting is an effective way to ensure that you are always casting your spells on the right target. By pressing the tab key, you can cycle through the available targets around you. This is particularly useful in group battles where you need to switch targets quickly.

Tip #3: Utilize Ground Targeting

Many abilities in Guild Wars 2 require you to cast them in a specific area using ground targeting. When you use these abilities, you can easily direct them towards your desired spot by targeting the ground where you want them to land. This technique is especially useful when fighting opponents that are on the move.

How to Use Ground Targeting

To utilize ground targeting, hover your cursor over the desired location on the ground and press the ability key. You can also adjust the area of effect by pressing and holding the left mouse button while moving your cursor.

Tip #4: Use Assist Target

Assist target is a useful feature that allows you to target an ally's target automatically. This technique is particularly helpful in group battles where you need to focus on more than one opponent simultaneously.

How to Use Assist Target

To use assist target, click on an ally and select 'Set as Target's Target' from their context menu. This will enable you to attack their target without having to retarget manually.

Tip #5: Utilize Targeting Macros

Targeting macros are useful for selecting specific targets quickly without having to cycle through them manually. By using macros, you can assign specific targets to specific keys, making it easier to execute your skills more efficiently.

How to Use Targeting Macros

To create a targeting macro, simply type /target followed by the name of your desired target. For example, /targetname would target the player named 'name'. Once you have created your macro, assign it to a hotkey for quick access during combat.

Tip #6: Practice Targeting While Moving

In Guild Wars 2, it is essential to be able to move around while targeting your enemies or allies. Practicing movement techniques such as strafing and backpedaling, and targeting at the same time can help improve your accuracy and reaction times.

Tip #7: Change Target Quickly with Hotkeys

The hotkey system in Guild Wars 2 allows you to switch targets quickly between different enemies or allies. Learning to use these hotkeys effectively can help you respond faster during combat.

How to Use Hotkeys to Change Target Quickly

To use hotkeys to switch targets, assign specific keys to different targets in the Options menu. Once you have done this, ensure that you practice using them so that you can switch seamlessly between targets during combat.

Tip #8: Use Area Targeting Effectively

Area targeting is an excellent tool for targeting multiple enemies or allies simultaneously. You can also use area targeting to target enemies that are hiding behind structures or obstacles.

How to Use Area Targeting

To use area targeting, move your cursor over the area of effect that you want to target and press the key for your desired ability. This will cause the skill to activate on all targets within the area of effect.

Tip #9: Be Mindful of Your Target's Condition

When targeting an enemy, it is important to be aware of their condition. For example, if they have a stun condition, you may be able to interrupt their abilities, preventing them from casting spells or attacks that could harm you or your allies.

Tip #10: Monitor Your Target's Health

Keeping an eye on your target's health is essential during combat, as it allows you to make informed decisions about which skills and abilities to use. By monitoring your target's health, you can determine whether to focus your attacks on them or switch to another target.


In summary, mastering targeting in Guild Wars 2 is crucial for success in both PvE and PvP scenarios. By using the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you can achieve more accurate and efficient targeting, allowing you to emerge victorious during battles. Remember to practice these tips regularly to improve your skills and become a better player.

Comparison between Guild Wars 2 Targets: A Detailed Analysis


Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG that has captivated gamers worldwide. The game boasts various targets that players can participate in, enhancing the overall experiences of players. In this article, we will take a closer look at Guild Wars 2 targets such as open world PvE, dungeons, and PvP. We will provide a comprehensive comparison of these targets based on various facets such as gameplay, difficulty levels, rewards, and overall quality.

Open World PvE

Open world PvE is a type of target that lets players explore the vast open-world environment solo or with a group of other players. The gameplay involves completing tasks, battling dynamic events, discovering hidden areas, and interacting with non-playable characters (NPCs).


The gameplay of open world PvE in Guild Wars 2 is exceptional. Players can interact with a vast and beautiful game world that offers various exciting opportunities. Each zone has its storyline, events, and environmental factors that make it unique and engaging.

Difficulty Levels

Difficulty levels can vary depending on the zone chosen. Some zones may offer easier content while some may provide advanced level challenges. Generally, open world PvE targets in Guild Wars 2 are not very difficult, making them an excellent starting point for new players.


Open world PvE targets offer rewards such as gold, crafting materials, experience points, and karma points. These rewards can be used to improve gear, level up, or progress in the game's story mode.


Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 are enclosed areas where a group of five players work together to complete various objectives. Dungeons require planning, teamwork, and coordination to overcome obstacles.


Guild Wars 2 dungeons' gameplay is impressive, offering players a unique and challenging experience. Each dungeon has unique bosses, puzzles, traps, and events that keep the players engaged and excited throughout the quest. Moreover, it offers an excellent opportunity for players to showcase their strategic skills and cooperation.

Difficulty Levels

Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 range from easy to moderately challenging, depending on the level of the group members. Some dungeons also offer various modes such as story mode and explorable mode that adds additional challenges and higher difficulty levels.


Completing dungeons rewards players with gold, crafting materials, unique weapon skins, and dungeon tokens. These tokens can be used to purchase rare armor sets and weapons that are otherwise unobtainable.


PvP or player versus player in Guild Wars 2 is a highly competitive environment where players battle against each other in various game modes.


The gameplay of PvP in Guild Wars 2 is immersive, fast-paced, and exciting for players who like competitive environments. The game offers various PvP modes such as tournaments, structured PvP, and world vs. world.

Difficulty Levels

The difficulty level in PvP mode varies based on the player's skill and experience. Winning against other players requires plenty of practice and strategy.


PvP mode rewards players with PvP rank, achievement points, and various prestige items such as armor and skins. Additionally, winning in tournament mode offers significant rewards, making it worth investing time and effort.

Comparison Table

Targets Difficulty Level Gameplay Rewards
Open World PvE Easy Exploring, Events, and Interaction Gold, Crafting Materials, XP, and Karma Points
Dungeons Easy to Moderately Difficult Teamwork, Strategy, and Coordination Gold, Crafting Materials, Tokens, and Unique Skins
PvP Moderate to Hard Competitive, Fast-Paced, and Exciting Rank, Achievement Points, and Prestige Items


All in all, Guild Wars 2 offers an impressive range of targets suitable for different players' preferences. Open World PvE offers a great place to explore the vast open-world environment and interact with game characters. Dungeons present an excellent opportunity to showcase teamwork and strategic skills, offering unique rewards. PvP provides players with a highly competitive environment, allowing them to showcase their skills and receive significant rewards. In conclusion, Guild Wars 2 is an excellent game that is suitable for various gaming styles and preferences.

Guild Wars 2 Target: A Comprehensive Guide for Gamers

As a gamer, discovering new games can be exciting and overwhelming, especially when deciding which one to invest in. One game that has consistently captured the attention of gamers is Guild Wars 2. It’s a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) created by ArenaNet that offers numerous features that keep players engaged.

The gameplay of Guild Wars 2 is unique as it allows players to navigate through a dynamic world with its own narrative and quests to explore. Additionally, the game has an unusual outlook concerning combat, character progression, and player interaction. As a result, it's essential to understand the different aspects of the game before playing it.

Guild Wars 2 caters to all types of gamers. Whether you're a casual player or looking to engage in competitive PVP gameplay, you'll undoubtedly find something worth your time in the game. One significant aspect of Guild Wars 2 is character creation. The game allows you to customize your character thoroughly, and you can choose from different professions such as warrior, engineer, thief, mesmer, ranger, elementalist, and necromancer.

Besides character customization, Guild Wars 2 also places heavy emphasis on exploration. The game's world is vast and diverse, with different regions, races, and creatures. Guild Wars 2 encourages players to explore the game’s environment by offering rewards to players who complete objectives like discovering new areas, defeating enemies, and participating in events. Plus, the game typically updates with challenging maps to keep players engaged and interested in discovering new adventures.

One noteworthy feature of Guild Wars 2 is the living story episodes. These episodes introduce new content in the game's narrative, including new areas, characters, activities, and quests. Unlike regular expansions that require you to purchase, Living Story episodes are free for all players who log in during the update and claimed within 2 months of releasing. This means the game is continuously evolving with its storyline and gameplay.

When it comes to combat, Guild Wars 2 offers an intense and dynamic system. The game utilizes a ground-targeting system that allows players to aim at specific enemies or areas on the map, giving you better control over your abilities. Players also have access to several weapons, skills, and traits to enhance their character's battle tactics, such as dodging, avoiding enemy hits, and breaking enemy defenses.

Another aspect that makes Guild Wars 2 stand out from other MMORPGs is its PvP gameplay. The game offers different PvP modes, including Conquest, Stronghold, and World vs. World. In Conquest, players compete in capturing and holding objectives on a map, while Stronghold pits teams against each other in a clash of strategic planning and counter-planning. In World vs. World (WvW), players engage in massive-scale battles across different servers to dominate the vast world map. With so many options offered, players are sure to find a game mode that suits their playstyle preference.

Aside from the above-mentioned factors, Guild Wars 2 also has a vibrant community that contributes to everything from sharing tips on the game to assisting new players with their questions. The game’s developer ArenaNet acknowledges the importance of its community, which they demonstrate by hosting regular in-game events like festivals, contests, and live streams.

In conclusion, Guild Wars 2 is an excellent game for both casual and hardcore gamers alike. With its unique features, dynamic gameplay, diverse quests and activities, and free updates, it offers an unforgettable gaming experience that will keep you engaged for hours on end. The game has continued to receive positive reviews from both gamers and critics, attesting to its quality. So what are you waiting for? Join the Guild Wars 2 community and experience its unforgettable gameplay for yourself!

Thank you for taking the time to read this comprehensive guide on Guild Wars 2. We hope it has given you valuable insights into what makes the game so special. Now it's your turn to jump into the game and create your adventure. Good luck and have fun!

People Also Ask About Guild Wars 2 Target

What is the target audience for Guild Wars 2?

The game is designed for players who enjoy MMORPG gameplay, player-versus-player combat, and immersive storytelling with a wide range of customization options.

Is Guild Wars 2 suitable for beginners?

Yes, it is. With its user-friendly interface and extensive tutorials, beginners can easily get to grips with the game mechanics and enjoy the storyline. There are also starter areas specifically designed for newer players.

What age group is Guild Wars 2 appropriate for?

Guild Wars 2 has a Teen rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) for blood, suggestive themes, use of alcohol and violence. Therefore, it’s best suited for players aged 13 years and older.

Is there any adult content in Guild Wars 2?

No, there isn’t. Guild Wars 2 is designed as a family-friendly game and does not contain any explicit or inappropriate material.

Who should avoid playing Guild Wars 2?

Players who do not enjoy online multiplayer games, long story-driven campaigns, or fantasy-themed worlds may not find Guild Wars 2 to be their cup of tea. Additionally, players who prefer a more linear gameplay experience may want to look elsewhere.

Can I play Guild Wars 2 on my console?

No, you cannot. Guild Wars 2 is exclusively available on PC/Mac and is not currently available on any consoles.

Does Guild Wars 2 require a subscription fee?

No, it doesn't. Once you purchase the game, there are no further subscription fees or monthly charges to play. However, there may be optional in-game transactions available for players who would like to purchase additional cosmetic items or experience boosters.

People Also Ask About Guild Wars 2 Target

1. What is the target audience for Guild Wars 2?

Guild Wars 2 is primarily targeted towards gamers who enjoy massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and are looking for a rich and immersive gaming experience. The game appeals to a wide range of players, including both casual and hardcore gamers, with its diverse gameplay options, captivating storyline, and stunning visuals.

2. Is Guild Wars 2 suitable for beginners?

Yes, Guild Wars 2 is designed to be accessible to players of all skill levels, including beginners. The game offers a comprehensive tutorial and a gradual learning curve, allowing new players to learn the ropes and explore the game world at their own pace. Additionally, the community is known for being helpful and welcoming to newcomers, providing a supportive environment for those starting their Guild Wars 2 journey.

3. Can Guild Wars 2 be enjoyed solo?

While Guild Wars 2 does offer a rich multiplayer experience, it can also be thoroughly enjoyed as a solo player. The game provides a vast open world with a plethora of quests, events, and activities that can be completed solo. Furthermore, the game's dynamic event system encourages spontaneous cooperation among players, making it easy to join forces with others when desired, but not mandatory.

4. Are there PvP options in Guild Wars 2?

Yes, Guild Wars 2 offers robust player-versus-player (PvP) options for those who enjoy competitive gameplay. The game features structured PvP, which includes various game modes, such as team-based conquest battles and tournaments. Additionally, there is World vs. World (WvW) PvP, where three massive servers compete against each other in large-scale battles for control of territories.

5. What type of content does Guild Wars 2 offer for endgame players?

Guild Wars 2 provides a wide range of content for endgame players once they reach the maximum level. This includes challenging dungeons, intricate raids, world bosses, fractals (shorter but intense dungeon-like experiences), and elite specializations that expand the gameplay options for each profession. Furthermore, the living world updates continuously introduce new storylines, areas, and events to keep players engaged even after reaching the endgame.