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Maximize Your Phone's Performance with Galaxy S4 Battery from Target

Galaxy S4 Battery Target

Shop for high-quality Galaxy S4 batteries at Target. Extend the battery life of your Samsung smartphone with our reliable and long-lasting options.

The Galaxy S4 is one of the most beloved smartphones on the market today. Not only does it boast an incredible display and powerful internal hardware, but it also features a long-lasting battery that can keep up with even the most demanding of users. However, like any smartphone, the Galaxy S4's battery life will eventually begin to degrade over time. And when that happens, you'll need to take steps to improve your battery target.

So how can you improve your Galaxy S4's battery target? The first step is to identify what's causing your battery life to suffer. Are you running too many apps at once? Is your screen brightness turned up too high? Once you've identified the problem, you can take steps to fix it.

For example, if you're running too many apps, you can close them or uninstall them to free up system resources. If your screen brightness is too high, you can turn it down to conserve battery power. You can also disable features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS when you don't need them.

Another great way to improve your Galaxy S4's battery target is to invest in a high-quality battery. There are many third-party batteries available that are designed specifically for the Galaxy S4. These batteries typically offer longer battery life than the stock battery, and they're often more reliable as well.

In addition to using a high-quality battery, you can also use various software tools to extend your battery life. For example, there are many apps available that will help you manage your system resources more efficiently. These apps can help you identify and close apps that are using up too much battery life, and they can also optimize your device's settings to maximize battery performance.

Of course, one of the easiest ways to improve your Galaxy S4's battery target is simply to use your phone less. If you're someone who spends a lot of time on your phone, try to cut back a little. You might be surprised at how much longer your battery lasts when you're not constantly using your device.

Overall, there are many ways to improve your Galaxy S4's battery target. Whether you're using a high-quality battery or simply managing your system resources more efficiently, there are steps you can take to extend your phone's battery life and get more out of your device.

So why wait? If you're tired of your Galaxy S4's battery life falling short, take action today. By identifying the problem and taking steps to improve your battery target, you can enjoy longer battery life and get more out of your favorite smartphone.

Samsung Galaxy S4 Battery Target

The Samsung Galaxy S4 is one of the most popular smartphones out in the market today. Although it has been a few years since its release, it still continues to be a favorite among many smartphone users. This is because of its amazing features and functionalities that make it stand out from the rest. One of its best features is its battery life.

Battery Life

The Samsung Galaxy S4 has a 2600mAh battery which is quite impressive given its sleek and lightweight design. This battery life is enough to last a full day with moderate usage. However, for heavy users who are constantly using their phones all throughout the day, the battery life may not last long enough.

It is important to remember that battery life can vary depending on various factors such as screen brightness, usage, and usage patterns. For example, using your smartphone for longer periods of time on a single charge will likely have an impact on its overall battery life.

How to Make Your Battery Last Longer

There are several ways to make your battery last longer. One of the most effective ways is to reduce the brightness of your phone's display. This can be done by going to the settings and adjusting the brightness accordingly.

Another way is to use the power saving mode feature which turns off certain functions and disables certain features when the battery level reaches a certain threshold.

You can also uninstall apps that you don't need, as having too many apps running in the background can quickly drain your battery.

Battery Replacement

If you have been using your Samsung Galaxy S4 for a while now and notice that your battery seems to be draining faster than usual, it may be time to replace your battery.

There are a few things to consider when replacing your battery. Firstly, you should look for a high-quality replacement battery that is compatible with your device. Secondly, you should also consider buying a battery that has a higher capacity than the original battery.

Lastly, it is important to follow proper installation procedures when replacing your battery. If you are not comfortable doing it yourself, it is best to have it done by a professional.


The Samsung Galaxy S4 is an amazing phone that is loved by many smartphone users. Its battery life is one of its best features, but heavy users may want to consider ways to extend battery life or to replace the battery altogether.

If you are experiencing issues with your Samsung Galaxy S4's battery, it is important to identify the problem and take the necessary steps to fix it. This will ensure that you can continue to use your device without any problems.

Overall, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is still a great smartphone even after all these years, and taking care of its battery will ensure that it continues to be a reliable device for years to come.

Tips to Prolong the Battery Life of Your Samsung Galaxy S4


A smartphone’s battery life is a crucial factor for every user, including those who own Samsung Galaxy S4, which was once an ultra-popular device. Despite having a removable battery, this phone can offer a great experience if you know how to use it efficiently. Here are some tips to help you prolong your Galaxy S4 battery life.

Reduce Display Brightness

The display of Samsung Galaxy S4 can be a battery drainer, especially when the brightness level is turned up to its maximum capacity. To help prolong your battery life, simply reduce the brightness level. The phone offers an adaptive mode that self-adjusts the screen's brightness, depending on the lighting conditions.

Turn Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth When Not in Use

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity functions are great features, but they consume a lot of battery power. Leaving them on when not needed can cause battery drainage in a few hours. Always remember to turn off your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features after use to save battery life.

Disable Always-On Display

Some Samsung Galaxy S4 users love the always-on display feature as it allows them to check the date or time without unlocking the device. However, enabling the feature could cause battery drain. Ensure to disable this feature when it’s not essential.

Enable Power-Saving Mode

The Samsung Galaxy S4 comes with a built-in power-saving mode feature designed to extend the battery life. To activate it, go to settings > Power Saving Mode, then choose from the three available options: medium power saving, max power saving or ultra power-saving mode.

Close Apps and Services Running in the Background

Running background processes such as Bluetooth, GPS, or Games consume a considerable amount of battery life. It’s imperative to close them when you are not using them actively.

Keep Your Galaxy S4 Up-to-date

Updating your Samsung Galaxy S4 regularly is crucial for an optimum phone's battery performance. The software always includes improvements that can boost the operating system as well as the battery life.

Uninstall Unnecessary Apps

Delete any app you don't use frequently. Some apps use a lot of power even when they are not active. Also, numerous apps run in the background, checking for new notifications and other tasks that result in battery drain.

Do Not Use Live Wallpapers

Live wallpapers look attractive on smartphones, but the moving images require more power to work than still images. To get the best battery life, choose a still wallpaper instead of a live one.

Don’t Let Your Phone Overheat

Overheating is a common issue with smartphones; if it overheats, the battery will drain faster. Avoid this by ensuring to take the phone off the charger once it's fully charged and avoid long usage sessions in direct sunlight.


Prolonging your Samsung Galaxy S4 battery life requires adopting good phone usage habits like those mentioned above. If you use your device efficiently, you can enjoy longer hours of usage before needing a recharge. Invest time in applying these tips, and you’ll enjoy an extended battery life on your Samsung Galaxy S4.

Galaxy S4 Battery Target: Comparison and Review


One of the notable features of Samsung's Galaxy S4 is its removable and replaceable battery. But with so many options available in the market, it can be difficult to decide which battery targets to purchase. In this review, we'll be comparing different Galaxy S4 battery targets based on their capacity, performance, and reliability.


Battery capacity is important in ensuring that your phone lasts throughout the day. After all, what good is a smartphone if you can't use it when you need it? The Galaxy S4 comes with a 2600mAh battery, but you can purchase replacement batteries with higher capacities. Here are some of the most popular options:
Brand Capacity (mAh)
Anker 2800
ZeroLemon 7500
LG BL-53YH 3000


Anker is a reliable brand that produces high-quality batteries. Their 2800mAh battery is a great option for those who want a slight increase in capacity without adding too much bulk.


ZeroLemon's 7500mAh battery is perfect for those who use their phone heavily throughout the day. However, it does add significant bulk to the phone and may require a case or larger battery cover.


The LG BL-53YH is an official replacement battery from LG that has a capacity of 3000mAh. It's a reliable option if you don't want to risk purchasing a third-party battery.


Battery capacity is only part of the equation. The performance of the battery is equally important in determining how long your phone lasts. Here are some factors to consider:

Charging Time

How quickly the battery charges is important, especially if you're in a rush or need to use your phone soon. Some batteries charge faster than others, such as the Anker battery which has Quick Charge 2.0 technology.

Discharge Rate

The discharge rate determines how quickly the battery drains while in use. Batteries with higher capacities tend to have a slower discharge rate, but this isn't always the case. Look for batteries with low self-discharge rates if you want your phone to last longer.

Life Cycle

The lifespan of a battery is important in determining how often you'll need to replace it. Batteries with a longer lifespan are usually more expensive, but they offer better value in the long run.


Perhaps the most important factor to consider when purchasing a Galaxy S4 battery target is reliability. A faulty battery can cause damage to your phone or even pose a safety hazard. Here are some things to look for:


Make sure the battery you purchase is certified by a reputable organization, such as UL or CE. This ensures that it has been rigorously tested and proven safe for use.

Brand Reputation

Stick with brands that have a good reputation in the industry. Research online reviews and talk to other Galaxy S4 users to find out which batteries they recommend.


A warranty is important in case the battery fails or malfunctions. Look for batteries with a minimum one-year warranty to ensure you're protected.


In conclusion, there are many factors to consider when purchasing a Galaxy S4 battery target. Capacity, performance, and reliability are all important considerations that can affect the longevity of your phone. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which battery best fits your needs and budget. Consider your usage habits and do your research before making a purchase.

The Ultimate Guide to Hitting the Target for Your Galaxy S4 Battery Life

Hello and welcome to our blog! Today, we're going to dive deep into the world of Galaxy S4 battery life. As you may already know, this beloved smartphone model from Samsung was released back in 2013, and it quickly became a fan favorite due to its advanced features, sleek design, and impressive performance. However, as with any electronic device, the battery life can be a bit tricky to handle. That's why we've compiled a comprehensive guide to help you hit the target for your Galaxy S4 battery life. Let's get started!

Understanding the Basics of Your Galaxy S4 Battery

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to maximize your Galaxy S4 battery life, let's first take a quick look at the basics. The Galaxy S4 comes with a removable 2600 mAh Li-Ion battery, which is more than enough for most users' daily needs. However, over time, the battery will start to lose its capacity, which means you'll need to charge it more frequently. If you notice that your Galaxy S4 battery drains faster than usual, it's time to take action.

The Importance of Calibrating Your Galaxy S4 Battery

One of the most effective ways to extend the life of your Galaxy S4 battery is by calibrating it. This entails fully charging the battery and then letting it drain until it shuts off on its own. Doing this will help recalibrate the battery, which can help improve accuracy in reporting the remaining battery percentage, among other things. We recommend doing this at least once a month, but ideally every two weeks for optimal results.

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Your Galaxy S4 Battery Life

Now that we've covered the basics, it's time to get into some tips and tricks for extending your Galaxy S4 battery life. Here are some of our top recommendations:

1. Reduce Screen Brightness

Your Galaxy S4's display is one of the biggest drains on your battery. One way to help mitigate this is by adjusting the screen brightness. You can do this by going to Settings > Display > Brightness, and then sliding the bar down to reduce the brightness. Use the automatic mode, as well to adjust the brightness of the phone to the ambient lighting conditions.

2. Turn Off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Other Radios When Not in Use

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other radios are useful features, but they can also drain your battery if left on when not in use. To save battery, we recommend turning these functions off when you're not using them. You can find these options in the Quick Settings panel, which can be accessed by swiping down from the top of the screen with two fingers.

3. Turn On Power Saving Mode

The Galaxy S4 comes with a built-in Power Saving mode that can help extend battery life. To turn it on, go to Settings > My Device > Power Saving. This will limit performance and restrict functions to extend battery life. While in power saving mode, performance may be slightly reduced, but the benefits it provides are worth it.

4. Use Battery-Saving Apps

There are plenty of battery-saving apps that can help extend the battery life of your Galaxy S4. Some popular options include Battery Doctor, Juice Defender, and Greenify. While there are plenty of options in the Google Play Store, be careful of using too many applications that claim to extend battery life, as some may actually slow down your phone performance.

5. Minimize App Usage

One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your Galaxy S4 battery is by minimizing app usage. Apps drain battery life much faster than basic phone functions such as texting or calling. So, use only the apps that are essential, and remove any apps that are not in use for a while.

In Conclusion

By following these tips and tricks, you can help ensure that your Galaxy S4 battery life stays on target. Remember to regularly calibrate your battery, reduce screen brightness, turn off unnecessary radios, use power-saving mode, use battery-saving apps, and minimize app usage. With these simple steps, you can enjoy longer battery life and better overall performance from your beloved smartphone.

Thank you for reading! We hope that this guide has been helpful to you. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about your Galaxy S4 battery life. Until next time!

People Also Ask About Galaxy S4 Battery Target

What is the battery capacity of Samsung Galaxy S4?

The Samsung Galaxy S4 has a battery capacity of 2600mAh.

How long does the Galaxy S4 battery last?

The battery life of the Galaxy S4 varies depending on usage. With moderate usage, it can last up to 13-15 hours. Heavy usage may cause the battery to drain faster.

How do I extend the battery life of my Samsung Galaxy S4?

There are various ways to extend the battery life of your Samsung Galaxy S4:

  1. Reduce the screen brightness
  2. Disable features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, etc. when not in use
  3. Uninstall unused apps
  4. Use power-saving mode
  5. Turn off vibrations and haptic feedback

Can I replace the battery in my Galaxy S4?

Yes, it is possible to replace the battery in your Galaxy S4. However, it is recommended to have a professional do it to avoid damaging your phone.

People Also Ask About Galaxy S4 Battery Target

1. How long does the Galaxy S4 battery last?

The battery life of the Galaxy S4 can vary depending on usage and settings. On average, the battery can last around 10 to 12 hours with moderate usage. However, heavy usage or running power-intensive applications may drain the battery faster.

2. Can I replace the battery in my Galaxy S4?

Yes, the Galaxy S4 battery is replaceable. If you are experiencing issues with your current battery, such as reduced performance or quick draining, you can purchase a new battery and easily replace it yourself or take it to a professional for assistance.

3. Where can I buy a replacement battery for my Galaxy S4?

You can purchase a replacement battery for your Galaxy S4 from various sources. Some popular options include online retailers like Amazon, eBay, or official Samsung stores. It is recommended to buy batteries from reputable sellers to ensure quality and compatibility with your device.

4. How can I maximize the battery life of my Galaxy S4?

To maximize the battery life of your Galaxy S4, you can follow these tips:

  • Reduce screen brightness or use automatic brightness adjustment.
  • Turn off unnecessary features like Wi-Fi, GPS, or Bluetooth when not in use.
  • Close unused apps running in the background.
  • Limit push notifications or sync intervals for email and social media apps.
  • Enable power-saving modes offered by the device.

5. Why does my Galaxy S4 battery drain quickly?

There can be several reasons why your Galaxy S4 battery drains quickly. Some common causes include:

  1. Running power-hungry apps or games for extended periods.
  2. Using your device in areas with weak network signals.
  3. Having multiple background processes or unnecessary services running.
  4. Using high screen brightness or keeping the screen on for long durations.

If you notice excessive battery drain, it is recommended to identify the specific cause and take appropriate action, such as closing unnecessary apps or optimizing settings.

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